Saturday, January 25, 2020

Foxhound 5 Smoke Testing Underway

So far, so good . . .

Smoke Test Alert Email Setup.txt
Smoke Test Alerts  1 Database unresponsive.txt
Smoke Test CPU High CPU runaway queries.txt
Smoke Test Foxhound As Service.txt
Smoke Test GUI all the installed shortcuts.txt
Smoke Test HA using HASETUP2-V17.txt
Smoke Test HTTPS for Foxhound on browser.txt
Smoke Test Mini-Backup and Mini-Restore.txt
Smoke Test OFSS on remote HA.txt
Smoke Test Target V5 on V6.txt
Smoke Test Targets V6 through V17.txt
Smoke Test Volume 1 Foxhound x 1 target x 1000 conns.txt

\\\\\ DONE TO HERE -- 2020 01 24 - 5.0.5432a - built at 2020 01 24 09:45 in a SQL Anywhere database created at 2020 01 24 09:45

RC49 Smoke Test Activate Upgrade Foxhound3 4386 2G SANITIZED.txt

RC51 Smoke Test Activate Upgrade Foxhound4 4740 unpatched 12G.txt

Monday, January 6, 2020

Regression Testing

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Enhanced User Testing