In theory, a single copy of the Foxhound Extended Edition can monitor up to 100 target databases, each with an unlimited number of connections, but in reality multiple copies of Foxhound are often required to handle a large number of heavily-loaded target databases.
What you end up with, after following the instructions in Starting Multiple Copies of Foxhound, is a different browser window for each copy of Foxhound. Here's what that looks like for three copies of Foxhound monitoring a total of 31 target databases with 973 connections:
The previous article in this series showed how to code adhoc queries that simulate a single Monitor dashboard tab; this article shows how to code queries that combine multiple dashboards into one.
Result Set 1: Summary List Of All Target Databases
Here's what the result set looks like for three copies of Foxhound in one combined "Summary List":
Result Set 2: Active Alerts For All Target Databases
Here's what the combined "Active Alerts" result set looks like for three copies of Foxhound:
Since the Foxhound shortcut "Adhoc Query Foxhound Database via ISQL" can only connect to one Foxhound database at a time, and the result sets shown above require data from three different Foxhound databases, a different mechanism is required.
Remote Data Access
One solution is to create a separate SQL Anywhere database and use the Remote Data Access feature (also known as "remote servers" and "proxy tables") to gather data from all three Foxhound databases in one place.Here's how the solution works:
- One proxy table is created in the new database for each of Foxhound adhoc views that were used by the original queries: sampling_options, sample_detail and alert_union.
- Two local views are created to gather the data from the proxy tables; these local views look almost identical to the original queries.
- Two local permanent tables are created to store the data gathered by the local views.
- A SQL FOR loop is executed to switch the proxy table definitions to point to each of the three Foxhound databases in turn, and to gather data from the two local views and store it in the local tables.
- Two local queries are written to display the local table data as shown earlier in this article: Result Set 1: Summary List Of All Target Databases and Result Set 2: Active Alerts For All Target Databases.
Step 1: Create Database And Proxy Tables
Here are the Windows commands to create and start a new database and launch ISQL:"%SQLANY17%\bin64\dbinit.exe"^ -dba dba,sql^ -mpl 3^ dashboard17.db "%SQLANY17%\bin64\dbspawn.exe"^ -f "%SQLANY17%\bin64\dbsrv17.exe"^ -o dbsrv17_log_dashboard17.txt^ -x tcpip^ dashboard17.db "%SQLANY17%\bin64\"^ -c "ENG=dashboard17; DBN=dashboard17; UID=dba; PWD=sql; CON=dashboard17-1"...and here are the SQL statements to set up the proxy tables:
CREATE SERVER Foxhound_server CLASS 'SAODBC' USING 'DRIVER=SQL Anywhere Native; ENG=Foxhound4; DBN=f; UID=ADHOC; PWD=SQL;'; CREATE EXISTING TABLE sampling_options AT 'Foxhound_server...sampling_options'; CREATE EXISTING TABLE sample_detail AT 'Foxhound_server...sample_detail'; CREATE EXISTING TABLE alert_union AT 'Foxhound_server...alert_union'; CREATE FUNCTION rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( IN @msecs INTEGER ) RETURNS VARCHAR ( 20 ) AT 'Foxhound_server...rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms';
- The CREATE SERVER statement on lines 1 and 2 specifies the remote server name (Foxhound_server) and connection string (the USING clause) that will be used to retrieve data from the Foxhound databases.
- The three CREATE EXISTING TABLE statements on lines 4, 5 and 6 create proxy tables (schema but no data) in the local database.
- Each proxy table corresponds to one Foxhound adhoc schema view in the Foxhound database: sampling_options, sample_detail and alert_union (yes, a proxy table can point to a view in the remote database).
- The CREATE FUNCTION statement on lines 8 through 11 makes the internal Foxhound function rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms available on a "remote procedure call" basis for proxy table queries.
- Tip: The code shown here uses SQL Anywhere 17 but SQL Anywhere 16 will work just fine.
- Caution: A "Count field incorrect" bug in both SQL Anywhere 16 and 17 prevented the CREATE FUNCTION statement on lines 8 through 11 from working properly. That bug was fixed in, and later builds.
Step 2: Create Local Views
The previous article in this series showed a single SELECT statement for Query 1: Summary List Of Target Databases. That SELECT has been recoded as four separate CREATE VIEW statements, with only minor changes required:CREATE VIEW v_latest_primary_key AS SELECT sample_detail.sampling_id AS sampling_id, MAX ( sample_detail.sample_set_number ) AS sample_set_number FROM sample_detail GROUP BY sample_detail.sampling_id; CREATE VIEW v_sample_detail AS SELECT sample_detail.* FROM sample_detail INNER JOIN v_latest_primary_key ON v_latest_primary_key.sampling_id = sample_detail.sampling_id AND v_latest_primary_key.sample_set_number = sample_detail.sample_set_number; CREATE VIEW v_active_alerts AS SELECT alert_union.sampling_id AS sampling_id, LIST ( DISTINCT STRING ( '#', alert_union.alert_number ), ', ' ORDER BY alert_union.alert_number ) AS active_alert_number_list FROM alert_union WHERE alert_union.record_type = 'Alert' AND alert_union.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N' GROUP BY alert_union.sampling_id; CREATE VIEW "vSummary List Of Target Databases" AS SELECT sampling_options.sampling_id AS "ID", STRING ( sampling_options.selected_name, IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1' THEN '(DSN)' ELSE '' END IF ) AS "Target Database", sampling_options.connection_status_message AS "Monitor Status", COALESCE ( v_active_alerts.active_alert_number_list, '-' ) AS "Active Alerts", IF sampling_options.sampling_should_be_running = 'Y' AND sampling_options.connection_status_message = 'Sampling OK' THEN rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( v_sample_detail.canarian_query_elapsed_msec ) ELSE '-' ENDIF AS "Heartbeat", IF COALESCE ( v_sample_detail.UnschReq, 0 ) = 0 THEN '-' ELSE STRING ( v_sample_detail.UnschReq ) ENDIF AS "Unsch Req", IF COALESCE ( v_sample_detail.ConnCount, 0 ) = 0 THEN '-' ELSE STRING ( v_sample_detail.ConnCount ) ENDIF AS "Conns", IF COALESCE ( v_sample_detail.total_blocked_connection_count, 0 ) = 0 THEN '-' ELSE STRING ( v_sample_detail.total_blocked_connection_count ) ENDIF AS "Blocked", CASE WHEN COALESCE ( v_sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent, 0.0 ) = 0.0 THEN '-' ELSE STRING ( ROUND ( v_sample_detail.interval_CPU_percent, 1 ), '%' ) END AS "CPU Time" FROM sampling_options LEFT OUTER JOIN v_sample_detail ON v_sample_detail.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id LEFT OUTER JOIN v_active_alerts ON v_active_alerts.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id;The previous article in this series showed a single SELECT statement for Query 2: Active Alerts For Each Target Database. That SELECT has been recoded as a single CREATE VIEW statement which looks almost exactly the same:
CREATE VIEW "vActive Alerts For Each Target Database" AS SELECT sampling_options.sampling_id AS "ID", STRING ( sampling_options.selected_name, IF sampling_options.selected_tab = '1' THEN '(DSN)' ELSE '' END IF ) AS "Target Database", rroad_f_msecs_as_abbreviated_d_h_m_s_ms ( DATEDIFF ( MILLISECOND, alert_union.recorded_at, CURRENT TIMESTAMP ) ) AS "Time Since Alert Recorded", alert_union.alert_number AS "Alert #", alert_union.alert_description AS "Alert Description" FROM sampling_options INNER JOIN alert_union ON alert_union.sampling_id = sampling_options.sampling_id WHERE alert_union.record_type = 'Alert' AND alert_union.alert_is_clear_or_cancelled = 'N';
Step 3: Create Local Permanent Tables
These two local tables look exactly like the views in Step 2; same column names and same data types:CREATE TABLE "Summary List Of Target Databases" ( "Foxhound Server" VARCHAR ( 128 ) NOT NULL, "ID" UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, "Target Database" VARCHAR ( 133 ) NOT NULL, "Monitor Status" VARCHAR ( 32767 ) NOT NULL, "Active Alerts" LONG VARCHAR NOT NULL, Heartbeat VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL, "Unsch Req" VARCHAR ( 21 ) NOT NULL, Conns VARCHAR ( 21 ) NOT NULL, Blocked VARCHAR ( 21 ) NOT NULL, "CPU Time" VARCHAR ( 34 ) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( "Foxhound Server", "ID" ) ); CREATE TABLE "Active Alerts For Each Target Database" ( "Foxhound Server" VARCHAR ( 128 ) NOT NULL, "ID" UNSIGNED INT NOT NULL, "Target Database" VARCHAR ( 133 ) NOT NULL, "Time Since Alert Recorded" VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL, "Alert #" INTEGER NOT NULL, "Alert Description" LONG VARCHAR NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( "Foxhound Server", "ID", "Alert #" ) );
Step 4: Gather Data In A FOR Loop
A stored procedure is used to gather the data; here's how it works:- The local permanent table defined on lines 1 and 2 is used to hold the Foxhound server names that drive the FOR statement on lines 11 through 16.
- The DROP REMOTE CONNECTION statement on line 18 causes the local remote server to be disconnected from the previous Foxhound database.
- The ALTER SERVER statement on lines 20 and 21 changes the remote server USING clause to point to the next Foxhound database. The special {@foxhound_server} syntax in the USING clause allows it to be dynamically modified at run time without having to code an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.
- The two INSERT SELECT statements on lines 23 through 31 copies the data from the two local views defined in Step 2 and appends it to the local permanent tables defined in Step 3.
- Tip: Remote server connections are not opened by the CREATE SERVER and ALTER SERVER statements, but by the first statement that actually needs data from the remote server; e.g., the CREATE EXISTING TABLE and SELECT statements. This is a subtle point, but it does explain why connection errors aren't detected as soon as a remote server is created.
CREATE TABLE foxhound_server_list ( foxhound_server VARCHAR ( 128 ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ); CREATE PROCEDURE refresh_dashboard_data() BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE "Summary List Of Target Databases"; TRUNCATE TABLE "Active Alerts For Each Target Database"; FOR f_server AS c_server INSENSITIVE CURSOR FOR SELECT foxhound_server AS @foxhound_server FROM foxhound_server_list ORDER BY foxhound_server FOR READ ONLY DO DROP REMOTE CONNECTION TO Foxhound_server CLOSE ALL; ALTER SERVER Foxhound_server USING 'DRIVER=SQL Anywhere Native; ENG={@foxhound_server}; DBN=f; UID=ADHOC; PWD=SQL;'; INSERT "Summary List Of Target Databases" SELECT @foxhound_server, * FROM "vSummary List Of Target Databases"; INSERT "Active Alerts for each target database" SELECT @foxhound_server, * FROM "vActive Alerts for each target database"; COMMIT; END FOR; END;
Step 5: Query Data In Local Tables
Here's how the the two result sets are displayed:- The TRUNCATE TABLE and INSERT statements on lines 1 through 6 reload the foxhound_server table with the Foxhound ENG= values that drive the FOR loop.
- The CALL statement on line 9 runs the FOR loop, and the SELECT statements on lines 10 through 19 display the data; the primary ORDER BY column is "Target Database" which is more convenient than sorting by Foxhound server name.
TRUNCATE TABLE foxhound_server_list; INSERT foxhound_server_list VALUES ( 'Foxhound4' ); INSERT foxhound_server_list VALUES ( 'Foxhound4b' ); INSERT foxhound_server_list VALUES ( 'Foxhound4c' ); COMMIT; CALL refresh_dashboard_data(); SELECT * FROM "Summary List Of Target Databases" ORDER BY "Target Database", "ID"; SELECT * FROM "Active Alerts for each target database" ORDER BY "Target Database", "ID", "Alert #";The two result sets are shown earlier; see Result Set 1: Summary List Of All Target Databases and Result Set 2: Active Alerts For All Target Databases;
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