Techwave 2014, also known as the 2014 ISUG-TECH conference, will be held April 14-17 at the Hilton, Atlanta in Atlanta, GA.
Question: Will it be worth it for people primarily interested in SQL Anywhere?
Maybe Not
Techwave 2014 is a creation of ISUG which was (and still is, primarily) a Sybase SQL Server user group. Pick a random ISUG member and ask what they think of SQL Anywhere and they'll say "Toy!"Maybe Yes
Techwave 2014 is sponsored by SAP whose flagship software didn't even run on SQL Server until Sybase added (!) row-level locking... yes, for many years the official Sybase company line was "Page-level locking is all anybody needs!"Maybe Not
The Big Noise at Techwave 2014 will be ASE 16. Then PowerBuilder, which was the reason Sybase bought PowerSoft in the first place... not SQL Anywhere. And of course, there will be Hana, and IQ... those are modern databases, so maybe this is a "yes".Maybe Yes
Folks from Waterloo will be there, talking about SQL Anywhere and MobiLink... and unlike other conferences Techwave 2014 won't be an all-employee affair, there will be a bunch of outsiders as well. That's a good thing, a very good thing, a much improved thing, having outsiders like Jeff Gibson.Maybe Not
You won't be able to fill every waking minute with SQL Anywhere and MobiLink sessions.
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