Question: How do I generate random integers in the range 1 through 6?
Oh, you mean "How do I use SQL Anywhere to generate random numbers in the range 1 through 6?"
Well, you can call RAND()... which gives you a number between 0 and 1, but doesn't every actually give you a zero or a one, and take it from there.
Gee, thanks for all the help...
OK, OK, let's take it a bit further... let's call EXPRTYPE() to see what RAND() returns:SELECT EXPRTYPE ( 'SELECT RAND()', 1 ) AS "data type"; data type double
Great... RAND() returns a honking big floating point number.
Well, what do they look like? Let's use sa_rowgenerator() to call RAND() ten times:
SELECT RAND() AS random FROM sa_rowgenerator ( 1, 10 ); random 0.7364153851458874 0.9333781469303082 0.28651545768907083 0.46529738021329853 0.25306924490866683 0.33479917996320835 0.969817641642791 0.7251030903892141 0.8076401715202444 0.00836274074779951
Wonderful! That's so far away from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 it's not even funny!
Why does everything have to be so hard?
Sigh... let's get started... multiply by 6 and add 1, to change the interval from "0 to 1" to "1 to 7":SELECT ( RAND() * 6 ) + 1 AS random FROM sa_rowgenerator ( 1, 10 ); random 4.5213047105452535 5.568270134072876 3.916143362836979 4.621499201106605 3.5370729987216523 5.585889514808492 6.045075386317947 1.5820178457452068 2.9739334396896573 2.899320864071753
Much better... now the results are in the range 1-point-something to 6-point-something, but don't forget: it's never exactly 1 or exactly 7.
Now let's use CAST to drag the values down to 1 through 6, where the values can sometimes be exactly 1 or exactly 6:
SELECT CAST ( ( RAND() * 6 ) + 1 AS INTEGER ) AS random FROM sa_rowgenerator ( 1, 10 ); random 3 1 4 3 3 6 2 3 4 6
MUCH better... now let's see if it generates the same number of each digit 1 through 6.
Let's generate a million numbers and count how many of each digit we get:
SELECT @@VERSION, random AS digit, COUNT(*) AS actual_occurrences, ( 1000000 / 6.0 ) AS perfect_occurrences FROM ( SELECT CAST ( ( RAND() * 6 ) + 1 AS INTEGER ) AS random FROM sa_rowgenerator ( 1, 1000000 ) ) AS generated GROUP BY random ORDER BY random; @@VERSION,digit,actual_occurrences,perfect_occurrences '',3,1000000,166666.67
Oops, that's not right.
Try it again and you get a million fours. Or a million ones.
But just a single digit, not an even distribution across all 6 digits.
What we want is 166,666 ones, 166,666 twos, and so on... like we (almost) get in SQL Anywhere Version 9:
@@VERSION,digit,actual_occurrences,perfect_occurrences '',1,166070,166666.67 '',2,166786,166666.67 '',3,166835,166666.67 '',4,166467,166666.67 '',5,166944,166666.67 '',6,166898,166666.67
This Is Why We Test... make sure ourSomewhere, deep down inside the SQL Anywhere query engine, the promise that RAND() "is treated as a non-deterministic function" is being broken... perhaps it's because of all the GROUP BY and COUNT(*) stuff that was added to the SELECT.
Or maybe it's a feature... in this case, it doesn't matter, we just need it to work.
And here's how: Bite the bullet, save the million RAND() results in a simple temporary table, then run the query:
SELECT RAND() AS random INTO #generated FROM sa_rowgenerator ( 1, 1000000 ); SELECT @@VERSION, CAST ( ( random * 6 ) + 1 AS INTEGER ) AS digit, COUNT(*) AS actual_occurrences, ( 1000000 / 6.0 ) AS perfect_occurrences FROM #generated GROUP BY digit ORDER BY digit; @@VERSION,digit,actual_occurrences,perfect_occurrences '',1,166612,166666.67 '',2,166700,166666.67 '',3,166727,166666.67 '',4,166496,166666.67 '',5,166801,166666.67 '',6,166664,166666.67
That works in all versions of SQL Anywhere from 9 through 12, and the result looks pretty good: for all intents and purposes the number of ones, twos, threes, ... are the same.
So there's the answer: Call RAND(), multiply it to expand the range, add to it to shift the range, and truncate it to get an integer.
Tip: Truncate the number, don't ROUND() it, that might generate an incorrect number of 1s and 6s. That's what happened with this expression: CAST ( ROUND ( ( RAND() * 5 ) + 1, 0 ) AS INTEGER )
Are you sure that's random?
Scott Adams has the answer...
1 comment:
13 years later, it's still useful with SA 17.0... Thank you.
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