Glenn Paulley is one of politest people I've ever met... I've never known him to explode in anger, and this May 6, 2008 post is probably the closest we'll ever see to a Glenn Paulley Rant:
Additional knobs are NOT the answer!Here's what Glenn said about manual settings and parameters affecting database performance, also known as knobs:
"Knobs" are expedient, and they can be used as "quick fixes" to workaround performance problems in shipping code. But avoiding the introduction of additional knobs is a worthwhile goal because "knobs" are not in the best interests of our customers.In summary, Glenn is clearly saying self-management is good and knobs are bad. It might be unfair, but it's easy to infer that Glenn is also claiming knobs are the antithesis of self-management: if your software is self-managing, you won't have any knobs... or at least if you increase your software's level of self-management, you'll have fewer knobs.
In my view, adding additional performance knobs of the types described above is simply counterproductive: the answer in the longer term is self-managing database systems.
One month later, on June 4, 2008 Glenn returned to the topic in this post: What self-management is (and isn’t). This post doesn't mention knobs at all, but sticks to the point "self-management is good".
And he's absolutely right on that point: self-management is good. I also agree that increasing the level of self-management in SQL Anywhere is a worthwhile goal. And I'll go further: progress has been excellent, so far, in making SQL Anywhere self-managing.
But... here's where my rant starts... knobs aren't bad... at least, they're not necessarily bad. In fact, every new self-management feature or improvement added to SQL Anywhere requires at least one new knob: a switch or setting that turns the feature off and returns manual control. This is a historical fact, and it's going to continue to be true, otherwise there's going to be big trouble ahead.
Here's an example from the aviation world: The B-2 bomber is an excellent example of a self-managing system... if it wasn't for the automatic computer controls the thing wouldn't even fly, no human being could manage it.

Knobs are not a panacea, but sometimes they are critical, especially for functions that are self-managed. In fact, each new self-management feature will probably require several new knobs, not just one to turn the feature off, but other new knobs to control the behavior of the new feature.
Here's an example from SQL Anywhere, where the story of database cache self-management can be told in the form of...
A Brief History of KnobsFor many years, one of those ten knobs was critical to the performance of cache self-management: For versions 7, 8 and 9, if you wanted your database cache to automatically grow past 256M, you had to use the -ch knob to specify a larger value... otherwise, it didn't matter if you had 2G of RAM installed, your cache would stop growing at 256M.
Back in Versions 5.5 and 6 there was no cache self-management, and SQL Anywhere had only one knob affecting the cache:-c - Set the cache size
Version 7 added Dynamic Cache Sizing. It also added 3 new knobs for controlling the cache size and one new knob to display it:-ca 0 - Disable dynamic cache sizing
Version 8 added Address Windowing Extensions and a new knob to turn it on and off:
-ch size - Set the upper limit
-cl size - Set the lower limit
-cs - Display cache usage in console window-cw - Enable use of AWE on Windows.
Version 9 added Cache Warming, plus another three new knobs:-cc {+|-} - Collect information for cache warming
Version 10 brought the total number to knobs to ten:
-cr {+|-} - Warm the cache with database pages
-cv {+|-} - Controls messages about cache warming-cm size - Specifies the size of the AWE cache
So here's my point to Glenn: Don't go knocking those knobs! You'll be adding lots more as you increase the level of self-management, whether you like it or not. And they'll be valuable and helpful.
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