Foxhound is a third-party database performance monitor for SAP® SQL Anywhere®.
Foxhound Version 3 has been around for a while, and Version 4 ... will ... may ... should be available later this summer :)
Here's a teeny-tiny excerpt from the full What's New:
- Foxhound Version 4 will support target databases running on SQL Anywhere 17...
- ...including SQL Anywhere 17.0.4. Foxhound 4 will also support target databases running on SQL Anywhere versions 5.5 through 16, but so does Foxhound 3 now.
- Foxhound 4 itself will run on either SQL Anywhere 16 or 17.
- When Foxhound 4 itself is running on SQL Anywhere 16 it will still handle a target database running on SQL Anywhere 17.
Foxhound 4 Will Be FREE! ( Some Restrictions Apply :)
If you're thinking you need a performance monitor for SQL Anywhere, one that actually works, don't hold back...
From this date forward, if you purchase Foxhound 3, you'll be able to upgrade to Version 4 at no charge as soon as it's available.