The Foxhound database is completely open for read-only access via SQL queries; it's one of the hallmarks of Foxhound:
You can use the ADHOC / SQL user id and password to connect to the Foxhound database via ISQL and Sybase Central. For example, here's what the Start - All Programs - Foxhound3 - Tools - Adhoc Query Foxhound Database shortcut uses:
Open Access: read-only SQL access to all the historical data pertaining to your database: it's your data, you own it. The Foxhound FAQ contains sample queries, and to make your own queries easier to write important internal primary key values are displayed together with the data on the Monitor and other pages; e.g., sampling_id, sample_set_number and the new connection_id_string.
The Foxhound FAQ contains more examples:ECHO OFF ECHO Start DBISQL for Adhoc Queries SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS IF EXIST "%SQLANY16%\Bin64\" ( GOTO use_Bin64 ) GOTO use_Bin32 :use_Bin64 "%SQLANY16%\Bin64\" -c "ENG=foxhound3; DBN=f; UID=ADHOC; PWD=SQL; CON=Foxhound3-ADHOC" GOTO end :use_Bin32 "%SQLANY16%\Bin32\" -c "ENG=foxhound3; DBN=f; UID=ADHOC; PWD=SQL; CON=Foxhound3-ADHOC" :end PAUSE
- How do I run adhoc queries on the Foxhound database?
- How do I see the schema for adhoc reporting?
- How do I change the ADHOC password?
Then you can plunge right into the Crystal Reports wizard with the new DSN:User ID: ADHOC Password: SQL Server name: foxhound3 Database name: f
One last tip: It's probably easier to deal with Foxhound's Views than the base tables (the view names are friendlier)...