Exception handling in SQL Anywhere procedures, triggers and events is quite powerful, of that there is no question.
When it comes to user-defined exceptions, however...
...not so much
Here's a demonstration:
- Procedure p1 calls procedure p2.
- Procedure p1 is called by an application (in this case ISQL).
- When p2 executes it uses the SIGNAL statement to raise a user-defined exception.
- That exception is captured by the EXCEPTION block in p2.
- The exception block in p2 then
- displays the SQLCODE, SQLSTATE and ERRORMSG() on the database console log, and then
- uses the RESIGNAL statement to pass the exception up to procedure p1.
- displays the SQLCODE, SQLSTATE and ERRORMSG() on the database console log, and then
- When the exception reaches p1 it is captured by the EXCEPTION block in p1.
- The exception block in p1 then
- displays another message on the database console log and
- once again uses the RESIGNAL statement to pass the exception up to the application.
- displays another message on the database console log and
- When the exception reaches the application (ISQL) a dialog box is displayed.
Here's the code:
CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN DECLARE @sqlcode INTEGER; DECLARE @sqlstate VARCHAR ( 5 ); DECLARE @errormsg VARCHAR ( 32767 ); CALL p2(); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SELECT SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, ERRORMSG() INTO @sqlcode, @sqlstate, @errormsg; MESSAGE STRING ( 'EXCEPTION detected in p1() at ', CURRENT TIMESTAMP, ': SQLCODE = ', @sqlcode, ', SQLSTATE = ', @sqlstate, ', ERRORMSG() = ', @errormsg ) TO CONSOLE; RESIGNAL; END; CREATE PROCEDURE p2() BEGIN DECLARE @sqlcode INTEGER; DECLARE @sqlstate VARCHAR ( 5 ); DECLARE @errormsg VARCHAR ( 32767 ); BEGIN DECLARE @exception EXCEPTION FOR SQLSTATE '99001'; SIGNAL @exception; END; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN SELECT SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, ERRORMSG() INTO @sqlcode, @sqlstate, @errormsg; MESSAGE STRING ( 'EXCEPTION detected in p2() at ', CURRENT TIMESTAMP, ': SQLCODE = ', @sqlcode, ', SQLSTATE = ', @sqlstate, ', ERRORMSG() = ', @errormsg ) TO CONSOLE; RESIGNAL; END; CALL p1(); -- call from ISQL
Here's what appears in the database console log, followed by the dialog box:
EXCEPTION detected in p2() at 2011-12-22 15:16:54.381: SQLCODE = -297, SQLSTATE = 99001, ERRORMSG() = User-defined exception signaled EXCEPTION detected in p1() at 2011-12-22 15:16:54.382: SQLCODE = -297, SQLSTATE = 99001, ERRORMSG() = User-defined exception signaled

That's all well and good, but the problem is this: only the SQLSTATE is user-defined. The SQLCODE and ERRORMSG() values are both fixed and pre-defined, and they mean exactly the same thing:
- SQLCODE = -297 User-defined exception signaled
- ERRORMSG() = User-defined exception signaled
Hey! We know that already!
In order to be truly useful, user-defined exceptions need some mechanism for providing a user-defined error message as well as a SQLSTATE code.
Even that
1 comment:
Would be good - different language versions would be needed, though.
SQLBase has some nice functinality whereby standard error messages can be customised on a table-by-table basis to provide meaningful errors, eg foreign key errors explaining what is required rather than a generic primary key does not exist message
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