Me: Have you ever started the day with a long list of to-do items, and the first one looks easy, but you work all day on it and you don't get even that one thing done? Friend: No. Me: Me neither :)
Question: How do I show the status of my SQL Anywhere 12 High Availability system?
I want to make sure the arbiter and partner servers are working properly, and I don't have Foxhound installed.
Answer: Use the SQL Anywhere Monitor:
- Create a "SQL Anywhere Database Resource" that connects to the primary server, then
- create a "SQL Anywhere Scale-Out Topology Widget" based on that "Resource":
- The Server Name column shows the real server names defined by the CREATE MIRROR SERVER ... AS PARTNER and CREATE MIRROR SERVER ... AS ARBITER statements.
- The Type column shows the mirror roles (primary versus mirror) as well as the partner-versus-arbiter breakdown.
- The State column tells you whether the server is connected or not.
SadlyInterestingly, the display doesn't show the alternate server names defined by the CREATE MIRROR SERVER ... AS PRIMARY and CREATE MIRROR SERVER ... AS MIRROR statements.
Here's what failover looks like;
Question: The SQL Anywhere Monitor doesn't work for me.
Answer: It looks like the SQL Anywhere Monitor widget only works for declarative High Availability setups. A "declarative" setup uses the new CREATE MIRROR SERVER statement instead of the "old-school" dbsrv12 -xp command line option. The widget is (probably?) looking in the SYSMIRRORSERVER view and that will be empty in an old-school setup.
It is possible to code a generic SQL query that works with any HA setup, be it declarative or old-school:
Here's what it looks like when the secondary (mirror) goes away...
Here's what it looks like after a failover, when the other partner becomes the primary...
With this query, the output is always sorted on the real server name which corresponds to physical computers rather than logical primary and mirror roles.
Also, the status "connected" is shown as "OK" and the primary role is shown in upper case, both of which serve to highlight important distinctions.
No custom application is required to run this query, just an ISQL command file that connects to the primary server; for example:
If you see the ERRORLEVEL message then you know that All Hope Is Lost... if you can't connect to the primary, then HA is completely down.
@ECHO OFF ECHO. SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS "%SQLANY12%\bin64\"^ -c "SERVER=primary_demo; UID=dba; PWD=sql; HOST=localhost:55401,localhost:55402"^ READ ENCODING Cp1252 "Query_HA_status.sql" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ( GOTO dbisql_failure ) ELSE ( GOTO end ) :dbisql_failure ECHO ****************************** ECHO *** ERRORLEVEL = %ERRORLEVEL% ECHO ****************************** :end PAUSE
Here's the Query_HA_status.sql script file... living proof that simple output often requires complex code:
BEGIN DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE ha_status ( real_server_name VARCHAR ( 128 ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, role VARCHAR ( 7 ) NOT NULL, alternate_server_name VARCHAR ( 128 ) NOT NULL, state VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ) NOT TRANSACTIONAL; DECLARE @MAX_LENGTH_real_server_name INTEGER; DECLARE @MAX_LENGTH_role INTEGER; DECLARE @MAX_LENGTH_alternate_server_name INTEGER; DECLARE @MAX_LENGTH_state INTEGER; DECLARE @MAX_line_length INTEGER; INSERT ha_status SELECT PROPERTY ( 'ServerName' ) AS real_server_name, 'PRIMARY' AS role, DB_PROPERTY ( 'AlternateServerName' ) AS alternate_server_name, CASE WHEN sa_mirror_server_status.state = 'connected' AND DB_PROPERTY ( 'ReadOnly' ) = 'Off' THEN 'OK' -- always expected WHEN sa_mirror_server_status.state = 'disconnected' THEN 'disconnected' -- never expected ELSE STRING ( -- never expected sa_mirror_server_status.state, ', ReadOnly=', DB_PROPERTY ( 'ReadOnly' ) ) END CASE AS state FROM sa_mirror_server_status() WHERE sa_mirror_server_status.server_name = PROPERTY ( 'ServerName' ) AND DB_PROPERTY ( 'MirrorRole' ) = 'primary' -- assertion UNION ALL SELECT sa_mirror_server_status.server_name AS real_server_name, 'mirror', DB_PROPERTY ( 'AlternateMirrorServerName' ) AS alternate_server_name, CASE WHEN sa_mirror_server_status.state = 'connected' AND DB_PROPERTY ( 'PartnerState' ) = 'connected' AND DB_PROPERTY ( 'MirrorState' ) = 'synchronized' THEN 'OK' WHEN sa_mirror_server_status.state = 'disconnected' THEN 'disconnected' ELSE STRING ( sa_mirror_server_status.state, ', ', DB_PROPERTY ( 'PartnerState' ), ', ', DB_PROPERTY ( 'MirrorState' ) ) END CASE AS state FROM sa_mirror_server_status() WHERE sa_mirror_server_status.server_name <> PROPERTY ( 'ServerName' ) AND DB_PROPERTY ( 'MirrorRole' ) = 'primary' -- assertion UNION ALL SELECT COALESCE ( SYSMIRRORSERVER.server_name, '' ) AS real_server_name, 'arbiter' AS role, '' AS alternate_server_name, IF DB_PROPERTY ( 'ArbiterState' ) = 'connected' THEN 'OK' ELSE DB_PROPERTY ( 'ArbiterState' ) END IF AS state FROM DUMMY LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT * FROM SYSMIRRORSERVER WHERE SYSMIRRORSERVER.server_type = 'arbiter' ) AS SYSMIRRORSERVER ON 1 = 1 AND DB_PROPERTY ( 'MirrorRole' ) = 'primary' -- assertion UNION ALL SELECT 'This query can only be run against the current primary server.', '', '', '' FROM DUMMY WHERE DB_PROPERTY ( 'MirrorRole' ) <> 'primary'; SELECT MAX ( LENGTH ( ha_status.real_server_name ) ) + 1, MAX ( LENGTH ( ha_status.role ) ) + 1, MAX ( LENGTH ( ha_status.alternate_server_name ) ) + 1, MAX ( LENGTH ( ha_status.state ) ) INTO @MAX_LENGTH_real_server_name, @MAX_LENGTH_role, @MAX_LENGTH_alternate_server_name, @MAX_LENGTH_state FROM ha_status; SET @MAX_line_length = @MAX_LENGTH_real_server_name + @MAX_LENGTH_role + @MAX_LENGTH_alternate_server_name + @MAX_LENGTH_state; SELECT LEFT ( STRING ( LEFT ( STRING ( ha_status.real_server_name, REPEAT ( ' ', 129 ) ), @MAX_LENGTH_real_server_name ), LEFT ( STRING ( ha_status.role, REPEAT ( ' ', 8 ) ), @MAX_LENGTH_role ), LEFT ( STRING ( ha_status.alternate_server_name, REPEAT ( ' ', 129 ) ), @MAX_LENGTH_alternate_server_name ), ha_status.state ), @MAX_line_length ) AS "High Availability Status" FROM ha_status ORDER BY ha_status.real_server_name; END;The table defined on line 3 is filled with three rows for the arbiter, primary and mirror. For an old-school setup, the real_server_name gets the dbsrv12 -n name (except for the arbiter server where this column is empty), the role is set to 'arbiter', 'PRIMARY' or 'mirror', the alternate_server_name is filled with the dbsrv12 -sn or -sm primary or mirror server names, and the state contains 'OK' or something less friendly.
For a declarative HA setup, the table is the same except (a) the real_server_name is filled in and (b) some of the values come from CREATE MIRROR SERVER statements rather than the dbsrv12 command line.
The INSERT on line 16 is a UNION of four SELECT statements. The first fills the 'PRIMARY' row, the second SELECT fills the 'mirror' row, the third fills the 'arbiter' row and the fourth SELECT returns an error message in case your ISQL connection string isn't properly set up to connect to the primary.
The INSERT relies on information from three sources:
- Various PROPERTY() and DB_PROPERTY() calls,
- the sa_mirror_server_status() procedure which returns rows for both the primary and mirror servers in both old-school and declarative setups, and
- the SYSMIRRORSERVER view which is only populated in a declarative setup.
The SELECT and SET statements on lines 75 through 89 calculate various display widths so the output can be crammed to fit in an ordinary Windows "DOS box" display window.
The final SELECT on line 91 returns the fixed-column-format output that is shown in the earlier images. The ORDER BY on line 101 guarantees that you can always see at-a-glance when the PRIMARY moves from one partner to another and so on... the real server names remain in the same order, whereas the 'PRIMARY' and 'mirror' roles move up and down.
For The Record
Here's what Foxhound shows for an HA setup (old-school or declarative) that's running OK:![](
Here's what Foxhound shows when the mirror crashes (the primary keeps running):
Here's what failover looks like (the primary crashed so the former mirror became the primary):
Friend: What makes you think anyone's going to buy Foxhound if you keep showing them how to do-it-yourself? Me: It's not do-it-yourself if someone else does it for you. Friend: [fretful sighing sound] You know what I mean... Me: Yeah... but I don't know the answer :)
1 comment:
The original reason I bought Foxhound many years ago was for the schema display: seems a pretty simple feature compared to what Foxhound includes today. I still use that daily in my development work.
Perhaps the most valuable feature is the monitoring. We don't like to spend time monitoring and managing servers (development is much more fun). So we have Foxhound on our key servers to email us if they become non-responsive.
You may give us a lot of inside nuggets in your blog, but I love end-user app development and Foxhound greatly improves my ability to focus on that while leaving the complex monitoring algorithms to you!
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