
Monday, October 14, 2013

Learning On-Demand

The previous article about the On-Demand Edition of SQL Anywhere contained a link to Tutorial material that is [cough] unstable... the link is unstable, not the Tutorial material... well, more on that later.

That's not exactly news; everything in the domain is subject to change without notice ( I should be happy, it gives me something to write about :)

Here are direct links to the actual Tutorial documents, but first, a warning...

Caution: Look before you leap... The tutorials contain links that are out of date, pointing to SQL Anywhere 12 material rather than SQL Anywhere 16; for example, "To learn more about the features of SQL Anywhere, refer to the documentation at"

Here are the links you need:
SQL Anywhere 16

SQL Anywhere On-Demand Edition

Module 1 – SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition installation and setup
In this module, you will walk through the installation of the software, as well as the addition of hosts and servers to the on-demand edition environment.

Module 2 – Adding Databases in the SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition Cloud
In this module, you will walk through how to add, start, and stop databases in the SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition cloud.

Module 3 – Making Client Connections
In this module, you will walk through how to establish client-side connections using dbping with databases that are running in the Sap Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition Cloud.

Module 4 – Moving a Database
In this module, you will walk through how to move databases within the SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition cloud. This includes moving running databases to other cloud servers on the same host and to cloud servers running on a different host.

Module 5 – Database Backup and Restore
When managing many databases, it is important to be able to clearly view the maintenance activities related to them, including backup, recovery, and validation tasks. In this module, you will walk through backing up a database and viewing the list of database backups. You will also learn about the plans for recovery and validation activities.

Module 6 – Tagging and Tasks
Now that you have created your SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition cloud and added hosts, servers and databases, you need to manage those objects within the cloud environment. One way to manage cloud objects is by using tags. A tag is a non-hierarchical term or keyword that is assigned to a number of cloud objects. Tags provide an intuitive and flexible way to group cloud objects together using attributes that are common among them. These tags can then be used as targets for cloud administration activities and task deployment. For example, users can assign a geographical tag in order to schedule a task that applies only to tenant databases in a specific region, or to ensure that an object only interacts with other objects that use the same tag.

Module 7 – Tenant Database Monitoring
Once a SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition Cloud is configured and is managing tenant databases, you will need a way to monitor and proactively detect problems in those tenant databases. The SQL Anywhere Monitor is a browser-based administration tool that provides you with information about the health and availability of your tenant databases.

Module 8 – Managing Users, User Privileges, and Cloud Rules
In this module, you will walk through how to create and edit cloud users for the cloud and assign certain privileges to them. You will also learn about cloud rules and how they allow enforcement of business rules and the management of resources in the cloud.

Module 9 – Customizing Cloud Settings
In this module, you will walk through how to customize settings for the SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition cloud. The cloud’s description can be updated to reflect its purpose, and options can be changed including the email server, TCP/IP port ranges, and history retention period.

Module 10 – Billing
In this module, you will learn how to retrieve and read billing metrics for your SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition cloud. The billing metrics contain usage information that is updated every hour. The usage information includes metrics such as consumption of processing resources and online time during a given period.

Module 11 – Tenant Mirroring
In this module, you will learn about configuring tenant read-only scale-out systems and high availability systems in the SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition cloud. Read-only scale-out distributes the read-only load on a database over multiple servers to improve performance, while high availability ensures your database is still available even if one server fails for any reason.

Module 12 – Running SQL Statements in the Cloud
In this module, you will learn how to execute SQL on databases in the cloud. SQL statements can be executed on either single databases or groups of databases. Databases where SQL statements will be executed can be chosen individually or by their tags.

Module 13 – Using SQL Anywhere with the cloud
In this module, you will learn how to use SQL Anywhere and its administrative tools to work with the databases in the cloud. SQL Anywhere provides design and management tools for data management and data exchange. You will learn how to connect to your databases in the on-demand edition cloud using the administration tools, how to execute SQL using Interactive SQL, and how to compare database schemas with Sybase Central.

Module 14 – Connecting to Databases via HTTP or HTTPS Web Services
In this module, you will learn how to connect to your databases in the on-demand edition cloud via an HTTP or HTTPS web service.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pointing to these Breck. I am in the process of moving these tutorials onto their new home on the SAP Community Network. The first seven are already available. The rest should be updated and posted soon.
