
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cost-free, ERP-free Online HANA Course

If you're interested in HANA The Relational Database Management System (and maybe you should be), there's a free online course starting on May 26, 2013 (that's four days from now):

Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA

Thomas Jung

SAP HANA is an in-memory data platform that is deployable as an appliance or in the cloud. At its core, it is an innovative in-memory relational database management system that makes full sense of the capabilities of current hardware to increase application performance, to reduce cost of ownership, and to enable new scenarios and applications that were not possible before.

With SAP HANA, you have the opportunity to build applications that integrate the business logic, control logic, and the database layer with unprecedented performance. As a developer, one of the key questions is how you can minimize data movements. The more you can do directly on the data in memory next to the CPUs, the better the application will perform.

This course will introduce you to native software development on SAP HANA. Registration, learning content, and the final exam are free of charge. However, to fully benefit from the course, you can access a fee-based system environment to develop your own code. SAP works with several cloud providers to give you a choice of infrastructure platforms and attractive pricing models to enable system access at a very low cost.

Start: May 26, 2013

Course language: English

If you think you might be interested...

. . . as a developer interested in new technologies, it might help to watch the inventor (and others) talk about it:

If you want to get ready...

. . . and take a "warm-up to the introduction" that's available, for free, right now, try this:

Warm-Up: In-Memory Data Management

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Müller

While the first openSAP course, Introduction to Software Development on SAP HANA, is intended as an introductory class for software developers who are new to SAP HANA, it makes sense for course participants to obtain an understanding of the fundamental concepts of in-memory data management before the course starts.

If you have taken the openHPI course on the topic that was delivered by Prof. Hasso Plattner in 2012, you will be good to go. If you have not attended this course or similar training programs on in-memory data management, we recommend that you use this summary of Prof. Plattner’s lectures as a warm-up exercise. The summary was prepared by Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Müller (HPI) and is exclusively available on openSAP.

Start: Apr 28, 2013

Course language: English

...and the best part?

It's guaranteed to be ERP-free! For developers only!

No salesperson will call!

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