Once upon a time, sorting was a basic building block for many computer programs. Both RAM and disk drives were limited and expensive... sequential I/O with magnetic tape was used for almost everything, plus the ubiquitous sort/merge utility.
And so it came to pass that many techniques were developed to exploit the sorting process, techniques that are sometimes useful today when it comes time to exploit the ORDER BY clause.
The previous article about breadth-first and depth-first tree traversals told of one such technique: building strings for the sole purpose of sorting.
This article tells the story of another such technique: inverting values before building the sort string.
Question: How do I perform breadth-first and depth-first traversals of a hierarchical table when the left-to-right order is given by column values that are descending rather than ascending?
Here's the tree structure table for "Jordan's Company" from the previous article about breadth-first and depth-first tree traversals:
Here's what that table looks like if the left-to-right sort order on employee.name is descending rather than ascending:636 Jordan | ------------------------------------------------------ 543 Briana 323 Delmar 914 Electra | | | ------------ -------------------------- ---------- 587 Fabriane 168 Calista 813 Genevieve 362 Hunter | | ---------------------- ----------------------- 611 Ainslie 893 Inari 119 Khalil 777 Lisette | --------------------- 809 Marlon 326 Nissa
The data is the exacty the same as before, it's just the interpretation of the employee.name column that has changed: descending left-to-right for all the rows with the same parent:636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon
CREATE TABLE employee ( employee_id INTEGER NOT NULL, manager_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES employee ( employee_id ), name VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL, salary NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( employee_id ) ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 636, 636, 'Jordan', 1000000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 543, 636, 'Briana', 900000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 323, 636, 'Delmar', 900000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 914, 636, 'Electra', 900000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 587, 543, 'Fabriane', 750000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 168, 323, 'Calista', 800000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 813, 323, 'Genevieve', 750000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 362, 914, 'Hunter', 800000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 611, 168, 'Ainslie', 500000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 893, 168, 'Inari', 100000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 119, 362, 'Khalil', 100000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 777, 362, 'Lisette', 100000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 809, 893, 'Marlon', 100000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 326, 893, 'Nissa', 100000.00 ); COMMIT;
Answer 1: Breadth-First Traversal
Changing the breadth-first query from the previous article is easy: just add DESC to the ORDER BY clause!WITH RECURSIVE breadth_first_traversal ( level, lineage, employee_id, manager_id, name ) AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER ) AS level, CAST ( employee.name AS LONG VARCHAR ) AS lineage, employee.employee_id AS employee_id, employee.manager_id AS manager_id, employee.name AS name FROM employee WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id UNION ALL SELECT breadth_first_traversal.level + 1, STRING ( breadth_first_traversal.lineage, '-', employee.name ), employee.employee_id, employee.manager_id, employee.name FROM breadth_first_traversal INNER JOIN employee ON employee.manager_id = breadth_first_traversal.employee_id WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id ) SELECT employee_id, level, lineage FROM breadth_first_traversal ORDER BY level, lineage DESC;Such an easy change! ...here's the new breadth-first output:
The depth-first query is another matter. You can't just add DESC to the ORDER BY clause...636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon employee_id, level, lineage 636, 1, Jordan 914, 2, Jordan-Electra 323, 2, Jordan-Delmar 543, 2, Jordan-Briana 362, 3, Jordan-Electra-Hunter 813, 3, Jordan-Delmar-Genevieve 168, 3, Jordan-Delmar-Calista 587, 3, Jordan-Briana-Fabriane 777, 4, Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Lisette 119, 4, Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Khalil 893, 4, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari 611, 4, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Ainslie 326, 5, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Nissa 809, 5, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Marlon
Try it, you won't like it!
Here's the depth-first query from the previous article, with ORDER BY lineage changed to DESC:WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal ( level, lineage, employee_id, manager_id, name ) AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER ) AS level, CAST ( employee.name AS LONG VARCHAR ) AS lineage, employee.employee_id AS employee_id, employee.manager_id AS manager_id, employee.name AS name FROM employee WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id UNION ALL SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1, STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage, '-', employee.name ), employee.employee_id, employee.manager_id, employee.name FROM depth_first_traversal INNER JOIN employee ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id ) SELECT employee_id, level, lineage FROM depth_first_traversal ORDER BY lineage DESC;The output is so far from the correct depth-first result that it's really quite disappointing, especially after the easy success with the breadth-first query:
636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon employee_id, level, lineage 777, 4, Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Lisette 119, 4, Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Khalil 362, 3, Jordan-Electra-Hunter 914, 2, Jordan-Electra 813, 3, Jordan-Delmar-Genevieve 326, 5, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Nissa 809, 5, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Marlon 893, 4, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari 611, 4, Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Ainslie 168, 3, Jordan-Delmar-Calista 323, 2, Jordan-Delmar 587, 3, Jordan-Briana-Fabriane 543, 2, Jordan-Briana 636, 1, Jordan
The solution is to "invert" the characters in the employee.name column so that each value will be appear in descending order when the lineage column is sorted in ascending order... this has a profoundly different effect than just sorting the lineage string in descending order.The invert_name() function changes A to z, B to y, C to x and so on for upper case characters, and a to Z, b to Y, c to X and so on for lower case characters. For example, invert_name ( 'Jordan' ) returns 'qLIWZM', and invert_name ( 'qLIWZM' ) returns 'Jordan'.
Note: Different "invert_xxx" functions may be required depending on the semantics of the column used for left-to-right ordering. For example, the following code assumes that employee.name contains only mixed-case English letters with no punctuation or special characters at all. Other data types (e.g., numeric, timestamp, etc.) may need different logic altogether; an example is shown later in this article.
CREATE FUNCTION invert_name ( IN input_name LONG VARCHAR ) RETURNS LONG VARCHAR BEGIN DECLARE output_name LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE char_pos INTEGER; DECLARE input_char VARCHAR ( 1 ); DECLARE ASCII_input INTEGER; DECLARE ASCII_output INTEGER; DECLARE ASCII_A INTEGER; DECLARE ASCII_Z INTEGER; SET ASCII_A = ASCII ( 'A' ); SET ASCII_Z = ASCII ( 'Z' ); SET output_name = input_name; SET char_pos = 1; WHILE char_pos <= LENGTH ( output_name ) LOOP SET input_char = SUBSTR ( output_name, char_pos, 1 ); SET ASCII_input = ASCII ( UPPER ( input_char ) ); SET ASCII_output = ASCII_Z - ( ASCII_input - ASCII_A ); IF CAST ( input_char AS VARBINARY ( 1 ) ) = CAST ( UPPER ( input_char ) AS VARBINARY ( 1 ) ) THEN SET output_name = STUFF ( output_name, char_pos, 1, LOWER ( CHAR ( ASCII_output ) ) ); MESSAGE STRING ( '1 ', input_char, ' ', LOWER ( CHAR ( ASCII_output ) ) ); ELSE SET output_name = STUFF ( output_name, char_pos, 1, CHAR ( ASCII_output ) ); MESSAGE STRING ( '2 ', input_char, ' ', CHAR ( ASCII_output ) ); END IF; SET char_pos = char_pos + 1; END LOOP; RETURN output_name; END;
Answer 2: Depth-First Traversal
Here's the depth-first traversal query using invert_name():WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal ( level, lineage, employee_id, manager_id, name ) AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER ) AS level, CAST ( invert_name ( employee.name ) AS LONG VARCHAR ) AS lineage, employee.employee_id AS employee_id, employee.manager_id AS manager_id, employee.name AS name FROM employee WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id UNION ALL SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1, STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage, '-', invert_name ( employee.name ) ), employee.employee_id, employee.manager_id, employee.name FROM depth_first_traversal INNER JOIN employee ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id ) SELECT employee_id, level, name, lineage FROM depth_first_traversal ORDER BY lineage;Here's the depth-first output showing how ORDER BY lineage works when invert_name() is used to produce some seriously funky lineage values:
636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon employee_id, level, name, lineage 636, 1, 'Jordan', qLIWZM 914, 2, 'Electra', qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ 362, 3, 'Hunter', qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ-sFMGVI 777, 4, 'Lisette', qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ-sFMGVI-oRHVGGV 119, 4, 'Khalil', qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ-sFMGVI-pSZORO 323, 2, 'Delmar', qLIWZM-wVONZI 813, 3, 'Genevieve', qLIWZM-wVONZI-tVMVERVEV 168, 3, 'Calista', qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ 893, 4, 'Inari', qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-rMZIR 326, 5, 'Nissa', qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-rMZIR-mRHHZ 809, 5, 'Marlon', qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-rMZIR-nZIOLM 611, 4, 'Ainslie', qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-zRMHORV 543, 2, 'Briana', qLIWZM-yIRZMZ 587, 3, 'Fabriane', qLIWZM-yIRZMZ-uZYIRZMV
Salary Descending Left-to-Right
Here's the same data as before, with one change; the employee.salary values have been modified so their descending values determine the left-to-right ordering. In other words, the left-to-right ordering of rows with the same parent is determined by the descending values of salary:636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 636, 636, 'Jordan', 1000000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 543, 636, 'Briana', 910000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 323, 636, 'Delmar', 920000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 914, 636, 'Electra', 930000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 587, 543, 'Fabriane', 750000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 168, 323, 'Calista', 810000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 813, 323, 'Genevieve', 820000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 362, 914, 'Hunter', 800000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 611, 168, 'Ainslie', 510000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 893, 168, 'Inari', 520000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 119, 362, 'Khalil', 210000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 777, 362, 'Lisette', 220000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 809, 893, 'Marlon', 110000.00 ); INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 326, 893, 'Nissa', 120000.00 ); COMMIT;The breadth-first traversal query uses
- employee.salary instead of employee.name,
- REPEAT() and RIGHT() functions to zero-pad the salary values for string sorting, and
- lineage DESC in the ORDER BY:
WITH RECURSIVE breadth_first_traversal ( level, lineage, employee_id, manager_id, name ) AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER ) AS level, CAST ( RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), employee.salary ), 20 ) AS LONG VARCHAR ) AS lineage, employee.employee_id AS employee_id, employee.manager_id AS manager_id, employee.name AS name FROM employee WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id UNION ALL SELECT breadth_first_traversal.level + 1, STRING ( breadth_first_traversal.lineage, '-', RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), employee.salary ), 20 ) ), employee.employee_id, employee.manager_id, employee.name FROM breadth_first_traversal INNER JOIN employee ON employee.manager_id = breadth_first_traversal.employee_id WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id ) SELECT employee_id, level, lineage FROM breadth_first_traversal ORDER BY level, lineage DESC;Here's the breadth-first output:
636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon employee_id, level, lineage 636, 1, 00000000001000000.00 914, 2, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00 323, 2, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00 543, 2, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000910000.00 362, 3, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00-00000000000800000.00 813, 3, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000820000.00 168, 3, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00 587, 3, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000910000.00-00000000000750000.00 777, 4, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00-00000000000800000.00-00000000000220000.00 119, 4, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00-00000000000800000.00-00000000000210000.00 893, 4, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000520000.00 611, 4, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000510000.00 326, 5, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000520000.00-00000000000120000.00 809, 5, 00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000520000.00-00000000000110000.00
CREATE FUNCTION invert_salary
Just like the invert_name() function was required for the earlier depth-first query, a similar invert_salary() function is required here... but the code's a lot simpler:CREATE FUNCTION invert_salary ( IN input_salary NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) ) RETURNS NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) BEGIN RETURN 999999999999999999.99 - input_salary; END;Here's the depth-first query using the invert_salary() function:
WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal ( level, lineage, employee_id, manager_id, name ) AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER ) AS level, CAST ( RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), invert_salary ( employee.salary ) ), 20 ) AS LONG VARCHAR ) AS lineage, employee.employee_id AS employee_id, employee.manager_id AS manager_id, employee.name AS name FROM employee WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id UNION ALL SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1, STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage, '-', RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), invert_salary ( employee.salary ) ), 20 ) ), employee.employee_id, employee.manager_id, employee.name FROM depth_first_traversal INNER JOIN employee ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id ) SELECT employee_id, level, name, lineage FROM depth_first_traversal ORDER BY lineage;Here's the depth-first ouptut using invert_salary():
636 Jordan | --------------------------------------------------------------- 914 Electra 323 Delmar 543 Briana | | | ---------- -------------------------- ------------ 362 Hunter 813 Genevieve 168 Calista 587 Fabriane | | ----------------------- ---------------------- 777 Lisette 119 Khalil 893 Inari 611 Ainslie | --------------------- 326 Nissa 809 Marlon employee_id, level, name, lineage 636, 1, 'Jordan', 99999999998999999.99 914, 2, 'Electra', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99 362, 3, 'Hunter', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99-99999999999199999.99 777, 4, 'Lisette', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99-99999999999199999.99-99999999999779999.99 119, 4, 'Khalil', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99-99999999999199999.99-99999999999789999.99 323, 2, 'Delmar', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99 813, 3, 'Genevieve', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999179999.99 168, 3, 'Calista', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99 893, 4, 'Inari', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999479999.99 326, 5, 'Nissa', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999479999.99-99999999999879999.99 809, 5, 'Marlon', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999479999.99-99999999999889999.99 611, 4, 'Ainslie', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999489999.99 543, 2, 'Briana', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999089999.99 587, 3, 'Fabriane', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999089999.99-99999999999249999.99
Hi Breck, I surely do know where you got this question from:)
ReplyDeleteI thank you for your efforts to present a working method to number child nodes in an "ad lib" manner.
However, I still hope the query processing experts are willing to re-enable ROW_NUMBER() for this task.
I guess you will agree that it's far easier to add an fitting "ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY WhateveryouLike [ASC|DESC])" clause than to write an UDF for that particular need.
Best regards
Volker Is Still Hoping, As Usual