
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Latest SQL Anywhere EBFs: HP-UX, IBM AIX, Solaris x64

The three asterisks "***" show which Express Bug Fixes (EBFs) have been released since the previous version of this page.

  • Only EBFs for the latest fully-supported versions of SQL Anywhere are shown here: 11.0.1 and 12.0.1.

  • Just because an older version or different platform isn't "fully supported" any more doesn't mean you can't download files (or ask questions, or get help), it just means there won't be any more new EBFs released.

Current builds for the active platforms...

HP-UX Itanium EBF   ***  29 Oct 2012 ***
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

IBM AIX EBF        24 Oct 2012
       EBF   ***  29 Oct 2012 ***

Linux x86/x64 EBF        24 Oct 2012
       EBF        27 Jul 2012

Mac OS EBF        15 Oct 2012
       EBF        29 Jun 2010

Solaris SPARC EBF        24 Oct 2012
       EBF        24 Oct 2012

Solaris x64 EBF   ***  29 Oct 2012 ***
       EBF   ***  29 Oct 2012 ***

Windows x86/x64 EBF        14 Aug 2012
                12.0.1 French Docs,    25 Sep 2012
                       English Docs,   25 Sep 2012
                       German Docs     25 Sep 2012
       EBF        04 Oct 2012

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Latest SQL Anywhere EBFs: AIX, Linux, SPARC

The three asterisks "***" show which Express Bug Fixes (EBFs) have been released since the previous version of this page.

  • Only EBFs for the latest fully-supported versions of SQL Anywhere are shown here: 11.0.1 and 12.0.1.

  • Just because an older version or different platform isn't "fully supported" any more doesn't mean you can't download files (or ask questions, or get help), it just means there won't be any more new EBFs released.

Current builds for the active platforms...

HP-UX Itanium EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

IBM AIX EBF   ***  24 Oct 2012 ***
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

Linux x86/x64 EBF   ***  24 Oct 2012 ***
       EBF        27 Jul 2012

Mac OS EBF        15 Oct 2012
       EBF        29 Jun 2010

Solaris SPARC EBF   ***  24 Oct 2012 ***
       EBF   ***  24 Oct 2012 ***

Solaris x64 EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

Windows x86/x64 EBF        14 Aug 2012
                12.0.1 French Docs,    25 Sep 2012
                       English Docs,   25 Sep 2012
                       German Docs     25 Sep 2012
       EBF        04 Oct 2012

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Latest SQL Anywhere EBFs: for Mac

The three asterisks "***" show which Express Bug Fixes (EBFs) have been released since the previous version of this page.

  • Only EBFs for the latest fully-supported versions of SQL Anywhere are shown here: 11.0.1 and 12.0.1.

  • Just because an older version or different platform isn't "fully supported" any more doesn't mean you can't download files (or ask questions, or get help), it just means there won't be any more new EBFs released.

Current builds for the active platforms...

HP-UX Itanium EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

IBM AIX EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

Linux x86/x64 EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        27 Jul 2012

Mac OS EBF  ***   15 Oct 2012 ***
       EBF        29 Jun 2010

Solaris SPARC EBF        14 Aug 2012
       EBF        14 May 2012

Solaris x64 EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

Windows x86/x64 EBF        14 Aug 2012
                12.0.1 French Docs,    25 Sep 2012
                       English Docs,   25 Sep 2012
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       EBF        04 Oct 2012

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Monday, October 15, 2012


Once upon a time, sorting was a basic building block for many computer programs. Both RAM and disk drives were limited and expensive... sequential I/O with magnetic tape was used for almost everything, plus the ubiquitous sort/merge utility.

And so it came to pass that many techniques were developed to exploit the sorting process, techniques that are sometimes useful today when it comes time to exploit the ORDER BY clause.

The previous article about breadth-first and depth-first tree traversals told of one such technique: building strings for the sole purpose of sorting.

This article tells the story of another such technique: inverting values before building the sort string.

Question: How do I perform breadth-first and depth-first traversals of a hierarchical table when the left-to-right order is given by column values that are descending rather than ascending?

Here's the tree structure table for "Jordan's Company" from the previous article about breadth-first and depth-first tree traversals:

636 Jordan
 543 Briana          323 Delmar             914 Electra        
     |                    |                      |
------------   --------------------------   ---------- 
587 Fabriane   168 Calista  813 Genevieve   362 Hunter         
                   |                             |
         ----------------------       -----------------------
         611 Ainslie  893 Inari       119 Khalil  777 Lisette
               809 Marlon  326 Nissa
Here's what that table looks like if the left-to-right sort order on is descending rather than ascending:
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon
The data is the exacty the same as before, it's just the interpretation of the column that has changed: descending left-to-right for all the rows with the same parent:
CREATE TABLE employee ( 
   employee_id  INTEGER NOT NULL,
   manager_id   INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES employee ( employee_id ),
   name         VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL,
   salary       NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( employee_id ) );

INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 636, 636, 'Jordan',   1000000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 543, 636, 'Briana',    900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 323, 636, 'Delmar',    900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 914, 636, 'Electra',   900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 587, 543, 'Fabriane',  750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 168, 323, 'Calista',   800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 813, 323, 'Genevieve', 750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 362, 914, 'Hunter',    800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 611, 168, 'Ainslie',   500000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 893, 168, 'Inari',     100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 119, 362, 'Khalil',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 777, 362, 'Lisette',   100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 809, 893, 'Marlon',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 326, 893, 'Nissa',     100000.00 );

Answer 1: Breadth-First Traversal

Changing the breadth-first query from the previous article is easy: just add DESC to the ORDER BY clause!
WITH RECURSIVE breadth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( 
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT breadth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( breadth_first_traversal.lineage,
       FROM breadth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = breadth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM breadth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY level,
       lineage DESC;
Such an easy change!'s the new breadth-first output:
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon

employee_id, level, lineage
636,         1,     Jordan
914,         2,     Jordan-Electra
323,         2,     Jordan-Delmar
543,         2,     Jordan-Briana
362,         3,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter
813,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Genevieve
168,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista
587,         3,     Jordan-Briana-Fabriane
777,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Lisette
119,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Khalil
893,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari
611,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Ainslie
326,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Nissa
809,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Marlon
The depth-first query is another matter. You can't just add DESC to the ORDER BY clause...

Try it, you won't like it!

Here's the depth-first query from the previous article, with ORDER BY lineage changed to DESC:
WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( 
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage,
       FROM depth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM depth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY lineage DESC;
The output is so far from the correct depth-first result that it's really quite disappointing, especially after the easy success with the breadth-first query:
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon

employee_id, level, lineage
777,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Lisette
119,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Khalil
362,         3,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter
914,         2,     Jordan-Electra
813,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Genevieve
326,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Nissa
809,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Marlon
893,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari
611,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Ainslie
168,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista
323,         2,     Jordan-Delmar
587,         3,     Jordan-Briana-Fabriane
543,         2,     Jordan-Briana
636,         1,     Jordan


The solution is to "invert" the characters in the column so that each value will be appear in descending order when the lineage column is sorted in ascending order... this has a profoundly different effect than just sorting the lineage string in descending order.

The invert_name() function changes A to z, B to y, C to x and so on for upper case characters, and a to Z, b to Y, c to X and so on for lower case characters. For example, invert_name ( 'Jordan' ) returns 'qLIWZM', and invert_name ( 'qLIWZM' ) returns 'Jordan'.
Note: Different "invert_xxx" functions may be required depending on the semantics of the column used for left-to-right ordering. For example, the following code assumes that contains only mixed-case English letters with no punctuation or special characters at all. Other data types (e.g., numeric, timestamp, etc.) may need different logic altogether; an example is shown later in this article.
CREATE FUNCTION invert_name ( IN input_name LONG VARCHAR )
DECLARE char_pos      INTEGER;
DECLARE input_char    VARCHAR ( 1 );

SET ASCII_A     = ASCII ( 'A' );
SET ASCII_Z     = ASCII ( 'Z' );
SET output_name = input_name;
SET char_pos    = 1;

WHILE char_pos <= LENGTH ( output_name ) LOOP

   SET input_char   = SUBSTR ( output_name, char_pos, 1 );
   SET ASCII_input  = ASCII ( UPPER ( input_char ) );
   SET ASCII_output = ASCII_Z - ( ASCII_input - ASCII_A );

   IF CAST ( input_char AS VARBINARY ( 1 ) ) = CAST ( UPPER ( input_char ) AS VARBINARY ( 1 ) ) THEN
      SET output_name = STUFF ( output_name, char_pos, 1, LOWER ( CHAR ( ASCII_output ) ) );
      MESSAGE STRING ( '1 ', input_char, ' ', LOWER ( CHAR ( ASCII_output ) ) );
      SET output_name = STUFF ( output_name, char_pos, 1, CHAR ( ASCII_output ) );
      MESSAGE STRING ( '2 ', input_char, ' ', CHAR ( ASCII_output ) );
   END IF;

   SET char_pos = char_pos + 1;

RETURN output_name;


Answer 2: Depth-First Traversal

Here's the depth-first traversal query using invert_name():
WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( invert_name ( )
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage,
                     invert_name ( ) ),
       FROM depth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM depth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY lineage;
Here's the depth-first output showing how ORDER BY lineage works when invert_name() is used to produce some seriously funky lineage values:
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon

employee_id, level, name,        lineage
636,         1,     'Jordan',    qLIWZM
914,         2,     'Electra',   qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ
362,         3,     'Hunter',    qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ-sFMGVI
777,         4,     'Lisette',   qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ-sFMGVI-oRHVGGV
119,         4,     'Khalil',    qLIWZM-vOVXGIZ-sFMGVI-pSZORO
323,         2,     'Delmar',    qLIWZM-wVONZI
813,         3,     'Genevieve', qLIWZM-wVONZI-tVMVERVEV
168,         3,     'Calista',   qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ
893,         4,     'Inari',     qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-rMZIR
326,         5,     'Nissa',     qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-rMZIR-mRHHZ
809,         5,     'Marlon',    qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-rMZIR-nZIOLM
611,         4,     'Ainslie',   qLIWZM-wVONZI-xZORHGZ-zRMHORV
543,         2,     'Briana',    qLIWZM-yIRZMZ
587,         3,     'Fabriane', qLIWZM-yIRZMZ-uZYIRZMV

Salary Descending Left-to-Right

Here's the same data as before, with one change; the employee.salary values have been modified so their descending values determine the left-to-right ordering. In other words, the left-to-right ordering of rows with the same parent is determined by the descending values of salary:
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 636, 636, 'Jordan',   1000000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 543, 636, 'Briana',    910000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 323, 636, 'Delmar',    920000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 914, 636, 'Electra',   930000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 587, 543, 'Fabriane',  750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 168, 323, 'Calista',   810000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 813, 323, 'Genevieve', 820000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 362, 914, 'Hunter',    800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 611, 168, 'Ainslie',   510000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 893, 168, 'Inari',     520000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 119, 362, 'Khalil',    210000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 777, 362, 'Lisette',   220000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 809, 893, 'Marlon',    110000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 326, 893, 'Nissa',     120000.00 );
The breadth-first traversal query uses
  • employee.salary instead of,

  • REPEAT() and RIGHT() functions to zero-pad the salary values for string sorting, and

  • lineage DESC in the ORDER BY:
WITH RECURSIVE breadth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), employee.salary ), 20 ) 
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT breadth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( breadth_first_traversal.lineage,
                     RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), employee.salary ), 20 ) ),
       FROM breadth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = breadth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM breadth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY level,
       lineage DESC;
Here's the breadth-first output:
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon

employee_id, level, lineage
636,         1,     00000000001000000.00
914,         2,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00
323,         2,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00
543,         2,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000910000.00
362,         3,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00-00000000000800000.00
813,         3,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000820000.00
168,         3,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00
587,         3,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000910000.00-00000000000750000.00
777,         4,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00-00000000000800000.00-00000000000220000.00
119,         4,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000930000.00-00000000000800000.00-00000000000210000.00
893,         4,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000520000.00
611,         4,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000510000.00
326,         5,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000520000.00-00000000000120000.00
809,         5,     00000000001000000.00-00000000000920000.00-00000000000810000.00-00000000000520000.00-00000000000110000.00

CREATE FUNCTION invert_salary

Just like the invert_name() function was required for the earlier depth-first query, a similar invert_salary() function is required here... but the code's a lot simpler:
CREATE FUNCTION invert_salary ( IN input_salary NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) )

RETURN 999999999999999999.99 - input_salary;

Here's the depth-first query using the invert_salary() function:
WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), invert_salary ( employee.salary ) ), 20 ) 
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage,
                     RIGHT ( STRING ( REPEAT ( '0', 20 ), invert_salary ( employee.salary ) ), 20 ) ),
       FROM depth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM depth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY lineage;
Here's the depth-first ouptut using invert_salary():
636 Jordan
       914 Electra                   323 Delmar             543 Briana  
            |                             |                     |
       ----------             --------------------------   ------------ 
       362 Hunter             813 Genevieve  168 Calista   587 Fabriane
            |                                    |
-----------------------                ----------------------
777 Lisette  119 Khalil                893 Inari  611 Ainslie
                                  326 Nissa  809 Marlon

employee_id, level, name,        lineage
636,         1,     'Jordan',    99999999998999999.99
914,         2,     'Electra',   99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99
362,         3,     'Hunter',    99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99-99999999999199999.99
777,         4,     'Lisette',   99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99-99999999999199999.99-99999999999779999.99
119,         4,     'Khalil',    99999999998999999.99-99999999999069999.99-99999999999199999.99-99999999999789999.99
323,         2,     'Delmar',    99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99
813,         3,     'Genevieve', 99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999179999.99
168,         3,     'Calista',   99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99
893,         4,     'Inari',     99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999479999.99
326,         5,     'Nissa',     99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999479999.99-99999999999879999.99
809,         5,     'Marlon',    99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999479999.99-99999999999889999.99
611,         4,     'Ainslie',   99999999998999999.99-99999999999079999.99-99999999999189999.99-99999999999489999.99
543,         2,     'Briana',    99999999998999999.99-99999999999089999.99
587,         3,     'Fabriane',  99999999998999999.99-99999999999089999.99-99999999999249999.99

Friday, October 12, 2012

Example: RECURSIVE UNION Tree Traversal

Question: How do I perform a breadth-first traversal of a hierarchical table? In other words, how do I write a SQL Anywhere query that returns all the rows of a tree-structured table in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order?

Next Question: How do I perform a depth-first traversal (top-to-bottom, left-to-right) of the same table?

Here's a diagram showing the primary keys for a tree-structured table:

       2            93            4          5       
       |             |            |          |
--------------  ------------  --------     ------  
6  7  8  9  10  11 12 13  14  15 16 17     18  19
   |                   |             |      |
 -----               -----         -----  -----
 27 26               25 24         23 22  21 20
Here's what the breadth-first and depth-first queries should return:
Breadth-First  Depth-First
1              1
2              2
93             6
4              7
5              27
6              26
7              8
8              9
9              10
10             93
11             11
12             12
13             13
14             25
15             24
16             14
17             4
18             15
19             16
27             17
26             23
25             22
24             5
23             18
22             21
21             20
20             19
SQL queries don't have any natural order other than what you specify in an ORDER BY clause, and clearly the numbers 1, 2, 3 aren't enough to determine either vertical (1 - 93 - 11) or horizontal ( 27 - 26 - 25) ordering. In other words, the table needs more than just a primary key:
   node_id          INTEGER NOT NULL,
   parent_id        INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES node ( node_id ),
   sibling_number   INTEGER NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( node_id ) );
  • node_id is a random primary key... not really "random" in this example because that would make the diagram hard to read, but just a "little" random: 93 appears below 1 but above 11, and while 18 appears to the left of 19, 21 comes before 20.

  • parent_id specifies top-to-bottom ordering; it contains the node_id of the row above this one, except for the top row which has parent_id = node_id.

  • sibling_number specifies the left-to-right ordering of rows with the same parent_id.
Columns like node_id and parent_id often appear in hierarchical tables, but sibling_id is something else. If left-to-right ordering is important in a hierarchical table (it often isn't) there must be one or more columns that can be used in an ORDER BY to get that result. Sometimes rows are sorted left-to-right in alphabetic order, sometimes in date/time order, maybe a line number, maybe even an autoincrement... in this example sibling_number is used to make the column's purpose absolutely clear.

The point is, if top-to-bottom and left-to-right ordering is to make any sense, there has to be something in the data (like parent_id and sibling_number) to represent it.

Here's what the data looks like for this table, with the diagram modified to show the node_id,sibling_number pairs for each row:
Note: The sibling_number for the root node is set to 9 instead of the "more natural value" 1 to show that sibling_number has no role to play in determining top-to-bottom ordering, only left-to-right.
        2,1                        93,2                 4,3            5,4       
         |                          |                    |              |
------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------  ----------  
6,5  7,6  8,7  9,8  10,9  11,3  12,5  13,7  14,9  15,1  16,5  17,9  18,2  19,8
      |                                |                       |     |
 ----------                        ----------           ----------  ----------
 27,8  26,9                        25,7  24,8           23,6  22,7  21,5  20,6
INSERT INTO node VALUES (  1,  1,             9 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (      2,  1,             1 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (          6,  2,             5 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (          7,  2,             6 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             27,  7,             8 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             26,  7,             9 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (          8,  2,             7 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (          9,  2,             8 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         10,  2,             9 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (     93,  1,             2 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         11, 93,             3 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         12, 93,             5 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         13, 93,             7 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             25, 13,             7 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             24, 13,             8 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         14, 93,             9 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (      4,  1,             3 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         15,  4,             1 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         16,  4,             5 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         17,  4,             9 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             23, 17,             6 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             22, 17,             7 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (      5, 1,              4 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         18,  5,             2 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             21, 18,             5 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (             20, 18,             6 );
INSERT INTO node VALUES (         19,  5,             8 );

Now, you can take my word...

...that no simple queries exist for either breadth-first or depth-first result sets, nothing in the form
  FROM employee
 ORDER BY [column-name-list];

Or, you can take a moment to experiment... go ahead, I'll wait :)

Starting Point: Top-Down Traversal

The first step is to write a building block for future efforts: a query that does a top-to-bottom traversal without regard to the left-to-right ordering.

The following RECURSIVE UNION query uses parent_id to calculat a new column, level, which contains the vertical level number 1, 2, 3, 4.

The first SELECT on lines 6 through 11 starts the ball rolling by returning the single root row:
level, node_id, parent_id, sibling_number
1,     1,       1,         9
The second SELECT on lines 13 through 20 recursively traverses all the rows underneath Jordan:
  • The FROM clause on lines 17 through 19 joins the employee table with all the rows that have already been selected for the top_down_traversal result; this is the "recursive" part, a reference inside a query to the outer query itself.

  • the ON clause on line 19 makes sure each new row selected from employee is exactly one level down from its parent row in top_down_traversal.

  • the expression top_down_traversal.level + 1 on line 13 calculates the level number (one level down) for the new row selected from employee, and

  • the WHERE clause on line 20 excludes the root "1" row because it was added by the first SELECT.
WITH RECURSIVE top_down_traversal
   ( level,
     sibling_number )
            node.node_id           AS node_id,
            node.parent_id         AS parent_id,
            node.sibling_number    AS sibling_number
       FROM node
      WHERE node.node_id = node.parent_id
     SELECT top_down_traversal.level + 1,
       FROM top_down_traversal
            INNER JOIN node
                    ON node.parent_id = top_down_traversal.node_id
      WHERE node.parent_id <> node.node_id )
SELECT level,
  FROM top_down_traversal
 ORDER BY level,
The WITH RECURSIVE clause on lines 1 through 5 is the header for the temporary view defined by the AS ( ... ) clause on lines 6 through 20.

The SELECT on lines 21 through 25 demonstrates how the temporary view works to add level number to each row.

The output shows the top-to-bottom order, but not (yet) left-to-right:
level, node_id
1,     1
2,     2
2,     4
2,     5
2,     93
3,     6
3,     7
3,     8
3,     9
3,     10
3,     11
3,     12
3,     13
3,     14
3,     15
3,     16
3,     17
3,     18
3,     19
4,     20
4,     21
4,     22
4,     23
4,     24
4,     25
4,     26
4,     27

Answer 1: Breadth-First Traversal

ORDER BY level gives the top-to-bottom order for all the rows, and ORDER BY sibling_number gives the left-to-right order for rows with the same parent, but what about traversing all the rows in breadth-first order?

What's needed is a kind of "variable ORDER BY", one that includes the sibling_number for all the rows in the current row's lineage, all the way from the top of the hierarchy down to the current row: ORDER BY level, sibling_number, sibling_number, sibling_number, ...

It would look like ORDER BY 1, 9 for the root row, ORDER BY 2, 9, 1 for row 2, ORDER BY 2, 9, 2 for row 93 and so on.

Here's what the variable ORDER BY would look like for all the rows, if it was possible to code such a thing in SQL:
        2,1                        93,2                 4,3            5,4       
         |                          |                    |              |
------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------  ----------  
6,5  7,6  8,7  9,8  10,9  11,3  12,5  13,7  14,9  15,1  16,5  17,9  18,2  19,8
      |                                |                       |     |
 ----------                        ----------           ----------  ----------
 27,8  26,9                        25,7  24,8           23,6  22,7  21,5  20,6

node_id  ORDER BY level, sibling_number, ...
=======  ===================================
1        ORDER BY 1, 9
2        ORDER BY 2, 9, 1
93       ORDER BY 2, 9, 2
4        ORDER BY 2, 9, 3
5        ORDER BY 2, 9, 4
6        ORDER BY 3, 9, 1, 5
7        ORDER BY 3, 9, 1, 6
8        ORDER BY 3, 9, 1, 7
9        ORDER BY 3, 9, 1, 8
10       ORDER BY 3, 9, 1, 9
11       ORDER BY 3, 9, 2, 3
12       ORDER BY 3, 9, 2, 5
13       ORDER BY 3, 9, 2, 7
14       ORDER BY 3, 9, 2, 9
15       ORDER BY 3, 9, 3, 1
16       ORDER BY 3, 9, 3, 5
17       ORDER BY 3, 9, 3, 9
18       ORDER BY 3, 9, 4, 2
19       ORDER BY 3, 9, 4, 8
27       ORDER BY 4, 9, 1, 6, 8
26       ORDER BY 4, 9, 1, 6, 9
25       ORDER BY 4, 9, 2, 7, 7
24       ORDER BY 4, 9, 2, 7, 8
23       ORDER BY 4, 9, 3, 9, 6
22       ORDER BY 4, 9, 3, 9, 7
21       ORDER BY 4, 9, 4, 2, 5
20       ORDER BY 4, 9, 4, 2, 6

Variable ORDER BY clauses...

...aren't possible in SQL Anywhere, but variable strings are.

The following query adds one more column to the result set: lineage contains a formatted string consisting of the sibling_numbers from all the ancestors to this one. Each sibling_number is padded on the left with zeros to deal with the fact that strings are sorted from left to right, and dashes "-" are used as separators for clarity.
WITH RECURSIVE breadth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     sibling_number )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( RIGHT ( STRING ( '00', node.sibling_number ), 3 )  
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            node.node_id                   AS node_id,
            node.parent_id                 AS parent_id,
            node.sibling_number            AS sibling_number
       FROM node
      WHERE node.node_id = node.parent_id
     SELECT breadth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( breadth_first_traversal.lineage,
                     RIGHT ( STRING ( '00', node.sibling_number ), 3 ) ),
       FROM breadth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN node
                    ON node.parent_id = breadth_first_traversal.node_id
      WHERE node.parent_id <> node.node_id )
SELECT node_id,
  FROM breadth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY level,
Here's the breadth-first result of the ORDER BY level, lineage clause:
        2,1                        93,2                 4,3            5,4       
         |                          |                    |              |
------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------  ----------  
6,5  7,6  8,7  9,8  10,9  11,3  12,5  13,7  14,9  15,1  16,5  17,9  18,2  19,8
      |                                |                       |     |
 ----------                        ----------           ----------  ----------
 27,8  26,9                        25,7  24,8           23,6  22,7  21,5  20,6

node_id, level, lineage
1,       1,     009
2,       2,     009-001
93,      2,     009-002
4,       2,     009-003
5,       2,     009-004
6,       3,     009-001-005
7,       3,     009-001-006
8,       3,     009-001-007
9,       3,     009-001-008
10,      3,     009-001-009
11,      3,     009-002-003
12,      3,     009-002-005
13,      3,     009-002-007
14,      3,     009-002-009
15,      3,     009-003-001
16,      3,     009-003-005
17,      3,     009-003-009
18,      3,     009-004-002
19,      3,     009-004-008
27,      4,     009-001-006-008
26,      4,     009-001-006-009
25,      4,     009-002-007-007
24,      4,     009-002-007-008
23,      4,     009-003-009-006
22,      4,     009-003-009-007
21,      4,     009-004-002-005
20,      4,     009-004-002-006

Answer 2: Depth-First Traversal

A variable ORDER BY is also required for a depth-first traversal, but it's simpler: no level number, just the lineage.

In other words, it's exactly the same query as the breadth-first traversal except for the ORDER BY lineage clause (and the view name, depth_first_traversal):
WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     sibling_number )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( RIGHT ( STRING ( '00', node.sibling_number ), 3 )  
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            node.node_id                   AS node_id,
            node.parent_id                 AS parent_id,
            node.sibling_number            AS sibling_number
       FROM node
      WHERE node.node_id = node.parent_id
     SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage,
                     RIGHT ( STRING ( '00', node.sibling_number ), 3 ) ),
       FROM depth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN node
                    ON node.parent_id = depth_first_traversal.node_id
      WHERE node.parent_id <> node.node_id )
SELECT node_id,
  FROM depth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY lineage;
Here's what the depth-first output from ORDER BY lineage looks like:
        2,1                        93,2                 4,3            5,4       
         |                          |                    |              |
------------------------  ----------------------  ----------------  ----------  
6,5  7,6  8,7  9,8  10,9  11,3  12,5  13,7  14,9  15,1  16,5  17,9  18,2  19,8
      |                                |                       |     |
 ----------                        ----------           ----------  ----------
 27,8  26,9                        25,7  24,8           23,6  22,7  21,5  20,6

node_id, level, lineage 
1,       1,     009
2,       2,     009-001
6,       3,     009-001-005
7,       3,     009-001-006
27,      4,     009-001-006-008
26,      4,     009-001-006-009
8,       3,     009-001-007
9,       3,     009-001-008
10,      3,     009-001-009
93,      2,     009-002
11,      3,     009-002-003
12,      3,     009-002-005
13,      3,     009-002-007
25,      4,     009-002-007-007
24,      4,     009-002-007-008
14,      3,     009-002-009
4,       2,     009-003
15,      3,     009-003-001
16,      3,     009-003-005
17,      3,     009-003-009
23,      4,     009-003-009-006
22,      4,     009-003-009-007
5,       2,     009-004
18,      3,     009-004-002
21,      4,     009-004-002-005
20,      4,     009-004-002-006
19,      3,     009-004-008

When looking at the list above, don't forget that level is NOT included in the ORDER BY.

Also, the root sibling_number "009" doesn't really have to be included in the lineage string since it's the same for all rows.

Test Case: Ainslie's Company

Here's the data from an earlier article on RECURSIVE UNION queries:

CREATE TABLE employee ( 
   employee_id  INTEGER NOT NULL,
   manager_id   INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES employee ( employee_id ),
   name         VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL,
   salary       NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( employee_id ) );

INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 1,  1,  'Ainslie',  1000000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 2,  1,  'Briana',    900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 3,  1,  'Calista',   900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 4,  1,  'Delmar',    900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 5,  2,  'Electra',   750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 6,  3,  'Fabriane',  800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 7,  3,  'Genevieve', 750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 8,  4,  'Hunter',    800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 9,  6,  'Inari',     500000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 10, 6,  'Jordan',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 11, 8,  'Khalil',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 12, 8,  'Lisette',   100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 13, 10, 'Marlon',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 14, 10, 'Nissa',     100000.00 );
Here's the breadth-first traversal query for Ainslie's company, same as the previous example with the following name changes:
  • node becomes employee,

  • node_id becomes employee_id

  • parent_id becomes manager_id, and

  • sibling_number becomes name:
WITH RECURSIVE breadth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( 
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT breadth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( breadth_first_traversal.lineage,
       FROM breadth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = breadth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM breadth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY level,
Here's the breadth-first result set for Ainslie's company:
employee_id, level, lineage
1,           1,     Ainslie
2,           2,     Ainslie-Briana
3,           2,     Ainslie-Calista
4,           2,     Ainslie-Delmar
5,           3,     Ainslie-Briana-Electra
6,           3,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane
7,           3,     Ainslie-Calista-Genevieve
8,           3,     Ainslie-Delmar-Hunter
9,           4,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Inari
10,          4,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Jordan
11,          4,     Ainslie-Delmar-Hunter-Khalil
12,          4,     Ainslie-Delmar-Hunter-Lisette
13,          5,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Jordan-Marlon
14,          5,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Jordan-Nissa
Here's the depth-first query for Ainslie's company:
WITH RECURSIVE depth_first_traversal
   ( level,
     name )
AS ( SELECT CAST ( 1 AS INTEGER )          AS level,
            CAST ( 
                   AS LONG VARCHAR )       AS lineage,
            employee.employee_id           AS employee_id,
            employee.manager_id            AS manager_id,
                    AS name
       FROM employee
      WHERE employee.employee_id = employee.manager_id
     SELECT depth_first_traversal.level + 1,
            STRING ( depth_first_traversal.lineage,
       FROM depth_first_traversal
            INNER JOIN employee
                    ON employee.manager_id = depth_first_traversal.employee_id
      WHERE employee.manager_id <> employee.employee_id )
SELECT employee_id,
  FROM depth_first_traversal
 ORDER BY lineage;
Here's the depth-first result set for Ainslie's company:
employee_id, level, lineage
1,           1,     Ainslie
2,           2,     Ainslie-Briana
5,           3,     Ainslie-Briana-Electra
3,           2,     Ainslie-Calista
6,           3,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane
9,           4,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Inari
10,          4,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Jordan
13,          5,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Jordan-Marlon
14,          5,     Ainslie-Calista-Fabriane-Jordan-Nissa
7,           3,     Ainslie-Calista-Genevieve
4,           2,     Ainslie-Delmar
8,           3,     Ainslie-Delmar-Hunter
11,          4,     Ainslie-Delmar-Hunter-Khalil
12,          4,     Ainslie-Delmar-Hunter-Lisette

Test Case: Jordan's Company

Ainslie's company is not a good example for testing and debugging because the data is unrealistic; i.e., both of these simple queries work as breadth-first traversals without all the fuss and muss of a RECURSIVE UNION:
  FROM employee 
 ORDER BY employee_id;

  FROM employee 
 ORDER BY name;
Here's a better example; same names but shuffled around, and random values used for employee_id:
                     636 Jordan
 543 Briana          323 Delmar             914 Electra
     |                    |                      |
------------   --------------------------   ---------- 
587 Fabriane   168 Calista  813 Genevieve   362 Hunter
                   |                             |
         ----------------------       -----------------------
         611 Ainslie  893 Inari       119 Khalil  777 Lisette
               809 Marlon  326 Nissa
CREATE TABLE employee ( 
   employee_id  INTEGER NOT NULL,
   manager_id   INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES employee ( employee_id ),
   name         VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL,
   salary       NUMERIC ( 20, 2 ) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY ( employee_id ) );

INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 636, 636, 'Jordan',   1000000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 543, 636, 'Briana',    900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 323, 636, 'Delmar',    900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 914, 636, 'Electra',   900000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 587, 543, 'Fabriane',  750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 168, 323, 'Calista',   800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 813, 323, 'Genevieve', 750000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 362, 914, 'Hunter',    800000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 611, 168, 'Ainslie',   500000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 893, 168, 'Inari',     100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 119, 362, 'Khalil',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 777, 362, 'Lisette',   100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 809, 893, 'Marlon',    100000.00 );
INSERT INTO employee VALUES ( 326, 893, 'Nissa',     100000.00 );
The queries are the same as for Ainslie's company, just the data is different.

Here's the breadth-first result set for Jordan's company:
employee_id, level, lineage
636,         1,     Jordan
543,         2,     Jordan-Briana
323,         2,     Jordan-Delmar
914,         2,     Jordan-Electra
587,         3,     Jordan-Briana-Fabriane
168,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista
813,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Genevieve
362,         3,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter
611,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Ainslie
893,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari
119,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Khalil
777,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Lisette
809,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Marlon
326,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Nissa
Here's the depth-first result set for Jordan's company:
employee_id, level, lineage
636,         1,     Jordan
543,         2,     Jordan-Briana
587,         3,     Jordan-Briana-Fabriane
323,         2,     Jordan-Delmar
168,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista
611,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Ainslie
893,         4,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari
809,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Marlon
326,         5,     Jordan-Delmar-Calista-Inari-Nissa
813,         3,     Jordan-Delmar-Genevieve
914,         2,     Jordan-Electra
362,         3,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter
119,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Khalil
777,         4,     Jordan-Electra-Hunter-Lisette

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

SQL Anywhere 16 Beta

The beta for SQL Anywhere 16, er, Nagano is now open; register here...

Friday, October 5, 2012

Latest SQL Anywhere EBFs: for Windows

The three asterisks "***" show which Express Bug Fixes (EBFs) have been released since the previous version of this page.

  • Only EBFs for the latest fully-supported versions of SQL Anywhere are shown here: 11.0.1 and 12.0.1.

  • Just because an older version or different platform isn't "fully supported" any more doesn't mean you can't download files (or ask questions, or get help), it just means there won't be any more new EBFs released.

Current builds for the active platforms...

HP-UX Itanium EBF        23 Jul 2012
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Mac OS EBF        16 Jul 2012
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Solaris SPARC EBF        14 Aug 2012
       EBF        14 May 2012

Solaris x64 EBF        23 Jul 2012
       EBF        13 Feb 2012

Windows x86/x64 EBF        14 Aug 2012
                12.0.1 French,         25 Sep 2012
                       English,        25 Sep 2012
                       German Docs     25 Sep 2012
       EBF    *** 04 Oct 2012 ***

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Monday, October 1, 2012

Latest SQL Anywhere EBFs: Docs for 12.0.1

There have been no SQL Anywhere EBFs since 14 Aug 2012... that's a very long time... could SQL Anywhere be in statis now, encased in carbonite for delivery to Jabba the Hutt?

Perhaps, perhaps not... the docs have been updated; see 12.0.1 Documentation (English) for Windows x86/Windows x64 *** 25 Sep 2012

Current builds for the active platforms...

HP-UX Itanium EBF     23 Jul 2012
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