
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

In order to serve you better...

...Foxhound will cost more when Version 2 goes on sale later this summer!

And now the good news...

Folks who have already purchased Foxhound won't have to pay full price for Version 2... there will be special prices for folks who purchased 1.0 and 1.1.

Bad news, good news...

So far, upgrades have been free, from 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.2, but no more.

No more free upgrades... except for those who paid for 1.2, they get Version 2 for free.

"But what if I want a free lunch bought 1.0 and then upgraded for free to 1.2?"

Here's the thing: Which price you pay for Version 2 will depend on which version you originally purchased (1.0, 1.1 or 1.2), not which version you upgraded to. Presumably everyone's using version 1.2 now, but that doesn't matter... folks who purchased 1.2 get Version 2 for free, folks who purchased earlier versions and then upgraded to 1.2 have to pay something for Version 2.

Nobody pays full price, however... except those who haven't purchased Foxhound yet.

Confused yet?

If you haven't purchased Foxhound yet, and you want to avoid paying full price for Version 2, here's what you can do: Buy the Basic or Extended Editions of Foxhound 1.2 now, at the old price, then you'll get Version 2 for free when it is available.

Or wait, pay full price later... either way, it will be worth it.

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