Windows 7 Search sucks!
No, seriously...
...the Search feature in Windows 7 really sucks.At least, it sucks for developers who work with ASCII text files and frequently want to search their code for some fixed string of text, like
That's how the Windows XP Search used to work: WYTIWILF... what you typed is what it looked for.
Show me all the SQL scripts that contain the string literal 'Sampling Stopped'.
So, after several months of increasing frustration, I decided to do something.
But what?
- Drink the Unix Kool-Aid and learn to love grep for Windows?
- switch from Wordpad to something fancy like Notepad++?
- go big with something like Visual Studio for SQL?
- or . . . build it using SQL Anywhere?
If you are familiar with this blog, especially if you've read Everything Looks Like a Database, the choice shouldn't come as any surprise:
Door Number Four: Build It Using SQL Anywhere
Here's what the SQL Anywhere solution looks like...- A simple browser display that lets you pick a search string, a file type and a folder:
- and then lets you doubleclick on one of the files to open it in your editor of choice:
Here are the SQL Anywhere features that make it possible:
- A Directory Access Server to implement a SELECT on the file names in the folder,
- the xp_read_file() system procedure to read each file,
- the LOCATE() function to search inside each file,
- the xp_cmdshell() system procedure to launch the editor on a selected file, and
- the CREATE SERVICE statement to run it all from within a browser using SQL Anywhere's built-in HTTP server.
CREATE TABLE search_spec ( one_row_only INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY CHECK ( one_row_only = 1 ), folder_spec VARCHAR ( 200 ) NOT NULL, file_ext VARCHAR ( 10 ) NOT NULL, search_for VARCHAR ( 100 ) NOT NULL ); INSERT search_spec VALUES ( 1, '.\\', '.sql', '' ); COMMIT; CREATE SERVER local_folder CLASS 'DIRECTORY' USING 'ROOT=C:\\;SUBDIRS=0'; CREATE EXTERNLOGIN DBA TO local_folder; CREATE EXISTING TABLE local_file AT 'local_folder;;;.'; CREATE SERVICE search TYPE 'RAW' AUTHORIZATION OFF USER DBA AS CALL search(); CREATE PROCEDURE search() RESULT ( html_string LONG VARCHAR ) BEGIN DECLARE @folder_spec VARCHAR ( 200 ); DECLARE @file_ext VARCHAR ( 10 ); DECLARE @search_for VARCHAR ( 100 ); DECLARE @action VARCHAR ( 10 ); DECLARE @file_name VARCHAR ( 200 ); DECLARE @variable_name LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE @alter_server_statement LONG VARCHAR; DECLARE LOCAL TEMPORARY TABLE local_file_match ( local_file_name VARCHAR ( 260 ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) NOT TRANSACTIONAL; SELECT folder_spec, file_ext, search_for INTO @folder_spec, @file_ext, @search_for FROM search_spec; SET @variable_name = NEXT_HTTP_VARIABLE ( NULL ); WHILE @variable_name IS NOT NULL LOOP CASE @variable_name WHEN 'folder_spec' THEN SET @folder_spec = HTTP_VARIABLE ( @variable_name ); WHEN 'file_ext' THEN SET @file_ext = HTTP_VARIABLE ( @variable_name ); WHEN 'search_for' THEN SET @search_for = HTTP_VARIABLE ( @variable_name ); WHEN 'action' THEN SET @action = HTTP_VARIABLE ( @variable_name ); WHEN 'file_name' THEN SET @file_name = HTTP_VARIABLE ( @variable_name ); END CASE; SET @variable_name = NEXT_HTTP_VARIABLE ( @variable_name ); END LOOP; SET @folder_spec = TRIM ( @folder_spec ); SET @file_ext = TRIM ( @file_ext ); SET @search_for = TRIM ( @search_for ); IF RIGHT ( @folder_spec, 1 ) <> '\\' THEN SET @folder_spec = STRING ( @folder_spec, '\\' ); END IF; IF LENGTH ( @file_ext ) >= 1 AND LEFT ( @file_ext, 1 ) <> '.' THEN SET @file_ext = STRING ( '.', @file_ext ); END IF; SET @action = COALESCE ( @action, 'Search' ); CASE @action WHEN 'Search' THEN UPDATE search_spec SET folder_spec = @folder_spec, file_ext = @file_ext, search_for = @search_for; COMMIT; SET @alter_server_statement = STRING ( 'ALTER SERVER local_folder USING ''ROOT=', @folder_spec, ';SUBDIRS=0''' ); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE @alter_server_statement; WHEN 'Open' THEN CALL xp_cmdshell ( STRING ( 'start "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\wordpadx.exe" "', @folder_spec, @file_name, '"' ), 'no_output' ); END CASE; FOR f_fetch AS c_fetch INSENSITIVE CURSOR FOR SELECT local_file.file_name AS @local_file_name FROM local_file WHERE local_file.file_name LIKE STRING ( '%', @file_ext ) ORDER BY local_file.file_name FOR READ ONLY DO IF TRIM ( @search_for ) = '' THEN INSERT local_file_match VALUES ( @local_file_name ); ELSE IF LOCATE ( xp_read_file ( STRING ( @folder_spec, @local_file_name ) ), @search_for ) > 0 THEN INSERT local_file_match VALUES ( @local_file_name ); END IF; END IF; END FOR; CALL dbo.sa_set_http_header( 'Content-Type', 'text/html' ); SELECT STRING ( '<HTML><HEAD>\x0d\x0a', '<TITLE>Search</TITLE>\x0d\x0a', '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">\x0d\x0a', '<script Language="JavaScript">\x0d\x0a', 'function searchF() {\x0d\x0a', 'document.f.action = "search?action=Search";\x0d\x0a', 'document.f.submit();\x0d\x0a', 'return false; }\x0d\x0a', 'function openF ( file_name ) {\x0d\x0a', 'document.f.action = "search?action=Open&file_name=" + file_name;\x0d\x0a', 'document.f.submit();\x0d\x0a', 'return false; }\x0d\x0a', '</script>\x0d\x0a', '<STYLE> P { font-family: COURIER NEW; font-size: 8pt; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } </STYLE>\x0d\x0a', '</HEAD>\x0d\x0a', '<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>\x0d\x0a', '<FORM NAME="f" METHOD="POST"><P>\x0d\x0a', 'Search for this exact string: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="search_for" VALUE="', @search_for, '" SIZE=40 STYLE="font-family: COURIER NEW;"><P> \x0d\x0a', ' all files with this extension: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="file_ext" VALUE="', @file_ext, '" SIZE=10 STYLE="font-family: COURIER NEW;"><P> \x0d\x0a', ' this folder: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="folder_spec" VALUE="', @folder_spec, '" SIZE=50 STYLE="font-family: COURIER NEW;"><P>\x0d\x0a', '<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" ONCLICK="searchF();" VALUE="Search"><P>\x0d\x0a', LIST ( STRING ( '<P ONDBLCLICK="openF ( ''', local_file_match.local_file_name, ''' );"> ', local_file_match.local_file_name, '\x0d\x0a' ), '' ORDER BY local_file_match.local_file_name ), '</FORM></BODY></HTML> ' ) FROM local_file_match; END;
Here are some notes on the code:
- Lines 1 through 8: The search_spec table is the program's memory, allowing it to pass the most recent search parameters from session to session.
- 10: The CREATE SERVER statement creates the local_folder Directory Access Server which initially points at the root folder C:\ (but will be changed later via ALTER SERVER).
- 12: For security purposes, the Directory Access Server feature requires an EXTERNLOGIN to be created for each SQL user id that will be using it.
- 14: The local_file proxy table allows the search procedure to SELECT file information from the local_folder Directory Access Server.
- 16 and 17: The CREATE SERVICE statement names the search procedure as being responsible for responding to browser requests with raw HTTP.
- 43 through 53: This loop analyzes the HTTP parameters passed from the browser and stores the values in the appropriate local variables. You can also pass named parameters via the CREATE SERVICE and CREATE PROCEDURE statments, but in the long run it's easier to maintain a simple NEXT_HTTP_VARIABLE() loop like this one.
- 55 through 68: This code performs some cleanup and editing of the input paramenters.
- 70 through 97: This CASE statement processes the two possible actions: 'Search' when the Search button is pressed, and 'Open' when a file name is double-clicked.
- 81 through 86: The ALTER SERVER statement changes the 'ROOT=' option to point to the input folder.
- 90 through 95: The xp_cmdshell system procedure call opens the selected file using "Wordpad Classic". This exact code probably won't work for you unless you have installed the original Windows XP Wordpad utility as "wordpadx.exe" in this particular location. However, it will work if you change this line
to this'start "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows NT\\Accessories\\wordpadx.exe" "',
'notepad "',
- 99 through 113: This FOR loop stores the matching file names in the local temporary table local_file_match.
- 102: The LIKE predicate looks for the @file_ext string in the file names.
- 109: The LOCATE() function and xp_read_file system procedure look for the @search_for string inside the files themselves.
- 115: The sa_set_http_header system procedure call tells the browser that HTML text is coming next.
- 117 through 161: The SELECT returns a single HTML string to the browser. The \x0d\x0a characters are all unnecessary; they have been included here to make the HTML text more readable.
- 122 through 126: The JavaScript function searchF() and openF() allow the "Search" and "Open" actions to be customized. This may not be required in the case of searchF(), but with openF() the file_name parameter depends on where openF() was called from.
- 137 through 147: These INPUT TEXT tags define the three HTTP input parameters search_for, file_ext and folder_spec.
- 149: This INPUT SUBMIT tag calls searchF() to pass the action HTTP input parameter to the search service.
- 151 through 158: The SQL LIST() and STRING() functions builds a series of active, double-clickable P paragraph tags to display all the matching file names. Each ONDBLCLICK attribute calls openF() to pass the action and file_name HTTP input parameters to the search service.
"%SQLANY12%\bin32\dbinit.exe" ddd.db "%SQLANY12%\bin32\dbspawn.exe" -f "%SQLANY12%\bin32\dbeng12.exe" -xs http(port=12345) ddd.db "%SQLANY12%\bin32\" -c "ENG=ddd;DBN=ddd;UID=dba;PWD=sql" READ ENCODING Cp1252 search.sql START "" "http://localhost:12345/search"
Here's what the HTML looks like:
<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE>Search</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> <script Language="JavaScript"> function searchF() { document.f.action = "search?action=Search"; document.f.submit(); return false; } function openF ( file_name ) { document.f.action = "search?action=Open&file_name=" + file_name; document.f.submit(); return false; } </script> <STYLE> P { font-family: COURIER NEW; font-size: 8pt; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 0; } </STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF> <FORM NAME="f" METHOD="POST"><P> Search for this exact string: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="search_for" VALUE="'Sampling Stopped'" SIZE=40 STYLE="font-family: COURIER NEW;"><P> all files with this extension: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="file_ext" VALUE=".sql" SIZE=10 STYLE="font-family: COURIER NEW;"><P> this folder: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="folder_spec" VALUE="C:\projects\foxhound\" SIZE=50 STYLE="font-family: COURIER NEW;"><P> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" ONCLICK="searchF();" VALUE="Search"><P> <P ONDBLCLICK="openF ( '015b_rroad_other_startup.sql' );"> 015b_rroad_other_startup.sql <P ONDBLCLICK="openF ( '019_rroad_setup_help.sql' );"> 019_rroad_setup_help.sql <P ONDBLCLICK="openF ( '023_rroad_start_sampling.sql' );"> 023_rroad_start_sampling.sql <P ONDBLCLICK="openF ( '203_rroad_monitor_sample_loop.sql' );"> 203_rroad_monitor_sample_loop.sql </FORM></BODY></HTML>
It Could Be Simpler
Here's what the proxy table local_file looks like:CREATE EXISTING TABLE DBA.local_file ( permissions VARCHAR ( 10 ) NOT NULL, size BIGINT NOT NULL, access_date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, modified_date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, create_date_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, owner VARCHAR ( 20 ) NOT NULL, file_name VARCHAR ( 260 ) NOT NULL, contents LONG BINARY NOT NULL ) AT 'local_folder;;;.';
Not only does local_file contain the file_name, it contains the actual file contents as well!
That means instead of calling xp_read_file, the FOR loop on line 99 could simply SELECT the local_file.contents column and use that to LOCATE the search string.
Or use
ReplyDeleteI can get this to work. Keep getting Internet Explorer cannot display page. SQL Anywhere HTTp server seems a bit bogus.. Any suggesstions?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: The SQL Anywhere HTTP server is the foundation for at least two commercial products, Foxhound and the SQL Anywhere Monitor, so it is not bogus, not even a little bit. Please check your work, looking for differences between it and the article... the code in the article was well tested.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous: Did you use the name "search" for your database file, as well as the service name? That is certainly sensible in my opinion, but it makes it necessary to code the URL as follows: http://localhost:12345/search/search
ReplyDeleteThe first "search" is apparently used to match the database name, thus requiring the second "search" to match the service name... or, at least, I think that is the explanation.
You can also name your service "root" which means your URL can be very simple, just: http://localhost:12345
i agree. sql is everywhere...