
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Morning After

Didya see the SQL Anywhere Fuji demos at Techwave yesterday?

Huh? Didya? Tell me all about it...

Some of you may have noticed I'm not at Techwave this year so I haven't seen it working.

In fact, as you read this I'm driving through The Great State Of Memphitucky, dodging Irene and Lee and Maria and Nate and the Joplin tornados and The Great Earthquake of DC... travelling by car is ever so much more interesting than flying... plus you get to keep your clothes on and you don't get groped (that's good, right?)

Back to Fuji... it cool?

Has it gone Beta?

Didya get a copy?

Can I have one?



  1. You can view a demo of Fuji at

  2. Is it cool?
    Yes, it is VERY cool.

    Has it gone Beta?
    Beta registration is up now at The software will be available in 30 days.

    Didya get a copy?
    Nope, not yet. But the good news is you didn't miss out on getting copy because you weren't here. You will get it at the same time an everyone else.

    Can I have one?
    You bet, the Beta will be a free download once available. Just sign up!

    - Eric

  3. Breck's not at TechWave... WOW!

    Bill Aumen
