
Friday, September 16, 2011

The fRiDaY File - Life Before "Fuji"


  1. ...that's why Breck doesn't like NULL that much, isn't it?

    (I stumbled over the same error message yesterday.)


  2. What were you trying to download when you got the message?

  3. @Eric Farrar: On Friday I was trying to answer the question "what was last EBF for SQL Anywhere 9?" but that is not important: the error was a showstopper preventing ALL use of the Sybase download page. It was a moment of serendipity, albeit transient, because it allowed me to add material The Friday File before it appeared in public. It was transient because the error was gone by the time I needed the download page again a day later. Once upon a time this kind of thing was frustrating, but the secret to true happiness is to lower one's expectations :)

  4. @Volker: Well, at least the diagnostic message was thorough enough to point out that a null WAS involved... but was it a "nul-terminated string" or a "database NULL"? Both are evil IMO, and it's hard to say which one has caused more heartache over the years.

  5. @Eric, @Breck: FWIW I noticed the error message in the exact same situation - I bet Breck and me wanted to answer the same SQL Anywhere forum question... I guess it worked again some minutes later.

    @Breck: Having worked with C/C++ and SQL for years, I still accept both "NULL concepts". Though I would claim that SQL's three-valued-logic has lesser (if any) "smart" alternatives.

    That being said, both have caused headaches now and then, too:)

