
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Comparing SQL Anywhere With ASE

Glenn Paulley has just published a wonderful new whitepaper describing the differences between SQL Anywhere and Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Here's the official description:

Migrating SQL Anywhere database applications to ASE. Some Sybase customers may need to explore the possibility of migrating one or more SQL Anywhere applications to ASE servers to consolidate their server environments, or to take advantage of some specific ASE product features. This white paper outlines the major differences between the two systems, specifically comparing SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 with ASE 15.5.
Here's how Dilbert might describe it:
To be Forewarned is to be Forearmed. Some SQL Anywhere developers may want to know how miserable what life will be like when they are forced by management to move their databases to ASE. This white paper outlines the major differences in complexity between the two systems, specifically comparing SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 with ASE 15.5.
But Glenn isn't Dilbert... you won't find any sarcasm in his whitepaper, just the facts. Pages and pages of facts... 71 pages in all.

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