
Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm a big fan of the rule "Don't announce a Beta until there's a Beta to announce" so here it is:

a StackOverflow-style question-and-answer website dedicated to SQL Anywhere,
in beta.

Be the second person to ask a question!

Here's what it says in the "How to Ask" box:
  • Is your question about SQL Anywhere?

  • Technical questions should start with "How do I [do some thing]?"

  • Provide the version and build: SELECT @@VERSION

  • Discussions are welcome! (this is NOT StackOverflow)
Yes, is going to be different, different from, and REALLY different from the NNTP newsgroups.
For more information, check out the first question and answer.

Here's a question that's not posted...

Q: Why the name "SQLA" instead of "SQLAnywhere"?

A: Let's just say we want to avoid any Imperial entanglements.


  1. Did I say it was beta? StackExchange is in beta, and SQLA is in beta, expect changes, lots and lots of changes... or, if it doesn't go anywhere, no changes at all :)

  2. Hi Breck,

    I don't know where to post this question (NNTP, here, the new SX site):
    Are there any (in)official plans from iAnywhere to support the new site?
    IMHO, that would be the main reason to draw focus from the NNTP groups to any other place - and it would be worth a discussion, I think.

    Volker Agrees Totally w.r.t. Beta Announcements and Availability:)

  3. @Volker: If you have a question about SQLA, I think you should post it on SQLA. That deviates from StackOverflow policy (where you are not supposed to post questions about StackOverflow itself), but SQLA is not StackOverflow, it just *looks* like StackOverflow :)

    To answer your question, at this point I have no idea what anyone in iAnywhere thinks of SQLA, let alone if they have any plans. To answer your *next* question, I have no expectations on the matter.

    If you want to start a discussion on the subject, please do so: You are welcome to do so on SQLA, or you could do it on NNTP if you want... after all, that's what NNTP is *for* :)
