
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Come to Candia!

Here's an email I got Monday from the International Sybase User Group.

I am sure everyone from the USA is welcome, not just folks from the nothern part.

Caution: Candia can be cold in December so bring a sweater!

Dear Sybase Enthusiast,

Please join us on December 1st and 2nd, 2009 for the ISUG Canadian Technical Summit to be held in the Candian Capital - Ottawa!

For the first time, Ottawa will be hosting a two day event drawing together many Sybase professionals and 3rd party vendors from Canada and the nothern USA. This event will have two streams - Data Management and Development. You will be able to register for either one or better yet, make sure that you bring a colleague with you so that you can cover both agendas. There is even a planned "cocktail reception" on the Tuesday night (Dec 1st).

The event will cover subject areas such as: SMS messaging from PB 12.NET, Taking your PowerBuilder applications to the Web; Data Warehousing, Replication, Sybase and SAS, Data Modeling, Database Monitoring and Performance, ASE and PB tools, Product Futures, Mobility, etc just to highlight some key areas.

On the Development side we will see evangelist John Strano showing us the latest PB 12.NET from engineering, best practices and another training session. For Data Management we will have key Sybase personnel addressing key product futures, Mobility and presentations on comparing various Data Modeling approaches. You will have access to key Sybase technical staff from Canada and the USA to ask questions about Sybase products, interact with users utilizing the same technologies and gain key information into 2010 based products and features.

For more information and to see a complete list of topics covered, please see our registration page. You'll notice that to register you must be a member of the International Sybase User Group (ISUG). You can become a member directly at or by joining the Ottawa Sybase User Group (OSUG) at All members of OSUG are automatically members of ISUG as well! You can register with a free Associate Member account, but we encourage you to become a full Regular Member if you can.

For questions about and support for this event, you can contact ISUG's North American Regional User Group Director and OSUG President, Chris Pollach ( Chris will be happy to answer any questions you may have and assist you with registering if necessary.

We look forward to seeing you in December!

The ISUG Events Team

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