
Friday, July 18, 2008

DCX Rocks!

DCX stands for "DocCommentXchange", which is the windy name for a cool new feature in SQL Anywhere 11: Hypertext links from the Help to a website that lets you read other people's comments about individual topics... and enter your own.

Here's how it works: You open up a topic in the compiled HTML Help for SQL Anywhere 11, and you click on the DocCommentXchange link at the bottom:

That opens up the same Help topic in a separate browser window, this time in a page stored at

Down at the bottom you'll see a blue bar that reads "Click this bar to open comment area."

I won't bore you with the details of the login process, but it's not hard, and I'm a REALLY HARSH CRITIC of crappy web dialogs... let's just say that DCX is a refreshing change from business as usual!

Here's what an actual comment looks like in the "comment area":

And yes, uses a SQL Anywhere database.

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