
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Documenting DATEDIFF

Does anyone know how DATEDIFF works, in SQL Anywhere?

To put it another way, do you know exactly what DATEDIFF does, for all the date units: year, month, day and so on? Or even what it does for some of the date units?

As it turns out, I didn't, not exactly. And because DATEDIFF has appeared so many times in this blog, it's time for a closer look... especially after publishing Should Examples Work?

DATEDIFF hasn't just been used in this blog, it's been a cornerstone feature of how-to posts like Today's Tip: Counting Days of the Week and Everything Looks Like a Database as well as the subject of in-depth discussions like:
  • EXPRTYPE, DATEDIFF, MICROSECOND, BIGINT and Volker Barth announced that starting with Version 12 DATEDIFF returns BIGINT instead of INTEGER for hour, minute, second, millisecond and microsecond date parts.

  • Let's play "Gotcha!" - Round Two warned "don't let your SQL code stray outside the true useful range for the TIMESTAMP data type which is 1600-02-28 23:59:59 to 7910-12-31 23:59:59".

  • Let's play "Gotcha!" - Round Three warned "don't let the fact that DATEDIFF has been enhanced to return BIGINT values lead you to assume that DATEADD will accept a BIGINT... it won't; you're stuck using INTEGER values."

  • Beware CURRENT TIMESTAMP talked about how Windows might reset CURRENT TIMESTAMP backwards in time if a drifting system clock can't be handled by adjusting the clock rate.
Here's what the Help says about DATEDIFF:
This function calculates the number of date parts between two specified dates. The result is a signed integer value equal to (date-expression-2 - date-expression-1), in date parts.

The DATEDIFF function results are truncated, not rounded, when the result is not an even multiple of the date part.

When you use day as the date part, the DATEDIFF function returns the number of midnights between the two times specified, including the second date but not the first.

When you use month as the date part, the DATEDIFF function returns the number of first-of-the-months between two dates, including the second date but not the first.

When you use week as the date part, the DATEDIFF function returns the number of Sundays between the two dates, including the second date but not the first.
Here's what the Help should say:
DATEDIFF ( year, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the integer number of year boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( quarter, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the integer number of quarter boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( month, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the integer number of month boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( week, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the integer number of week boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( day, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the integer number of day boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( dayofyear, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the integer dayofyear difference = DATEPART ( dayofyear, date-expression-2 ) - DATEPART ( dayofyear, date-expression-1 ).

DATEDIFF ( hour, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the bigint number of hours between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( minute, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the bigint number of minute boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( second, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the bigint number of seconds between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( millisecond, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the bigint number of millisecond boundaries between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.

DATEDIFF ( microsecond, date-expression-1, date-expression-2 ) returns the bigint number of microseconds between date-expression-1 and date-expression-2.
The following example shows all the DATEDIFF calculations for two timestamps that are exactly one microsecond (0.000001 second) apart. It shows
  • that almost all of them return the number of unit boundaries (1 for year, quarter, etc),

  • two return the number of units (0 for hour and second),

  • one (microsecond) effectively returns the number of units because it's at the limit of timestamp precision so the difference between "unit" and "unit boundary" is moot, and

  • one (dayofyear) returns a simple difference that disregards the context altogether; the value -364 might look funky but it makes sense when you consider the definition above.
SELECT DATEDIFF ( year,        '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS year,
       DATEDIFF ( quarter,     '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS quarter,
       DATEDIFF ( month,       '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS month,
       DATEDIFF ( dayofyear,   '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS dayofyear,
       DATEDIFF ( day,         '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS day,
       DATEDIFF ( week,        '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS week,
       DATEDIFF ( hour,        '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS hour,
       DATEDIFF ( minute,      '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS minute,
       DATEDIFF ( second,      '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS second,
       DATEDIFF ( millisecond, '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS millisecond,
       DATEDIFF ( microsecond, '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS microsecond;

year  quarter  month  dayofyear  day  week  hour  minute  second  millisecond  microsecond
  1      1       1      -364      1     1     0      1       0         1            1
Whether the difference between "units" and "number of unit boundaries" is important depends on what your code is trying to do.

For example, if you're trying to calculate age, then DATEDIFF really sucks; it only gets the right answer half the time.

Want proof? Here it is...
If a baby was born on 2012-07-27 and the CURRENT DATE is 2013-07-28, DATEDIFF is correct in telling us the baby's age is 1. A baby born two days later, however, has not reached its first birthday so DATEDIFF is wrong.
SELECT DATEDIFF ( year, '2012-07-27', '2013-07-28' ) AS correct_age,
       DATEDIFF ( year, '2012-07-29', '2013-07-28' ) AS incorrect_age;

correct_age  incorrect_age
      1           1
Conclusion: DATEDIFF might be of assistance to underage drinkers, but otherwise it isn't much use for calculating age.
Since many (most?) uses of DATEDIFF are a variation on the age calculation (number of days, seconds, whatever), the "unit boundary" calculation may indeed have serious implications for program (in)correctness. Sadly, none of the examples in the DATEDIFF Help topic demonstrate how the unit boundary calculation differs from one that counts actual units... but other examples in the Help may be (adversely?) affected by it (e.g., Should Examples Work?)

Need a laugh?

That big ugly example above comes from the Microsoft SQL Server version of DATEDIFF:
1> SELECT DATEDIFF ( year,        '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS year,
2>        DATEDIFF ( quarter,     '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS quarter,
3>        DATEDIFF ( month,       '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS month,
4>        DATEDIFF ( dayofyear,   '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS dayofyear,
5>        DATEDIFF ( day,         '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS day,
6>        DATEDIFF ( week,        '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS week,
7>        DATEDIFF ( hour,        '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS hour,
8>        DATEDIFF ( minute,      '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS minute,
9>        DATEDIFF ( second,      '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS second,
10>        DATEDIFF ( millisecond, '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS millisecond,
11>        DATEDIFF ( microsecond, '2011-12-31 23:59:59.9999999', '2012-01-01 00:00:00.0000000' ) AS microsecond
12> GO

 year  quarter  month  dayofyear  day  week  hour  minute  second  millisecond  microsecond
 ----  -------  -----  ---------  ---  ----  ----  ------  ------  -----------  -----------
    1        1      1          1    1     1     1       1       1            1            1
If you like [cough] consistency, you should love SQL Server: no more zeroes, no more -364 :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Should Examples Work?

More specifically, is it important that code examples actually work or is it sufficient that they give a rough idea of what the code should look like? Like a stick figure gives a rough idea of what a person looks like, as opposed to a photograph?

The interweb is so ... chock ... full ... of examples that don't work it seems the answer must be "no, examples don't have to work." Testing is expensive, Microsoft Word doesn't complain when the examples don't work, and nobody else seems to care, so why bother?

Why take the time?

Why spend the money?

Let's take a look close to home, the Text index refresh types Help topic:
MANUAL REFRESH MANUAL REFRESH text indexes are refreshed only when you refresh them, and are recommended if data in the underlying table is rarely changed, or if a greater degree of data staleness is acceptable, or to refresh after an event or a condition is met. A query on a stale index returns matching rows that have not been changed since the last refresh. So, rows that have been inserted, deleted, or updated since the last refresh are not returned by a query.

You can define your own strategy for refreshing MANUAL REFRESH text indexes. In the following example, all MANUAL REFRESH text indexes are refreshed using a refresh interval that is passed as an argument, and rules that are similar to those used for AUTO REFRESH text indexes.
CREATE PROCEDURE refresh_manual_text_indexes( 
   refresh_interval UNSIGNED INT )
   SELECT ts.*
   FROM SYS.SYSTEXTIDX ti JOIN sa_text_index_stats( ) ts
   ON ( ts.index_id = ti.index_id )
   WHERE ti.refresh_type = 1 -- manual refresh indexes only
    IF last_refresh_utc IS null 
    OR cast(pending_length as float) / (
       IF doc_length=0 THEN NULL ELSE doc_length ENDIF) > 0.2
       > refresh_interval THEN
     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'REFRESH TEXT INDEX ' || text-index-name || ' ON "'
     || table-owner || '"."' || table-name || '"';
    END IF;
At any time, you can use the sa_text_index_stats system procedure to decide if a refresh is needed, and whether the refresh should be a complete rebuild or an incremental update.

A MANUAL REFRESH text index contains no data at creation time, and is not available for use until you refresh it. To refresh a MANUAL REFRESH text index, use the REFRESH TEXT INDEX statement.

MANUAL REFRESH text indexes are not refreshed during a reload unless the -g option is specified for dbunload.
Never mind the SELECT ts.*, which might be "wrong" because it increases the burden on the reader without adding any value... that's not the issue here.

The issue is, does the example serve any purpose? Does it help the reader code a stored procedure for refreshing text indexes, more than just reading the surrounding text helps?

You decide

Maybe your answer is "Yes, it's fine, I'm not going to copy and paste, it's pointing me in the right direction, it tells me what I need to know."

Maybe it's not important that
  • the procedure doesn't compile because of "text-index-name",

  • there's no column in ts.* named last_refresh_utc (it's just last_refresh),

  • the DATEDIFF will never be > refresh_interval because

    • CURRENT UTC TIMESTAMP will always be greater than sa_text_index_stats.last_refresh

    • so the DATEDIFF will always return a negative number, and

    • refresh_interval will never be negative because it's an UNSIGNED INT and

  • DATEDIFF counts minute boundaries rather than complete minutes, which may or may not be acceptable in actual use.
Except for the bit about "doesn't compile" those points were discovered by inspection rather than testing... are there other issues that testing might reveal?

Maybe it matters, maybe not... you tell me.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Have you ever wished DATE() worked like this?

   RETURN DATE ( STRING ( @y, '-', @m, '-', @d ) );

SELECT DBA."DATE" ( 1991, 2, 3 );


...oh, wait, now it does :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Latest SQL Anywhere Updates: Windows

Current builds for the active platforms...

HP-UX     16.0 GA Dev Edition download       (date n/a)      Dev Edition registration
 Itanium Update                 16 May 2013
 Update                 08 Apr 2013     End of Life 31 May 2014

IBM AIX   16.0 GA Dev Edition download       (date n/a)      Dev Edition registration
 Update                 16 May 2013
 Update                 08 Apr 2013     End of Life 31 May 2014

Linux Update                 30 May 2013
 Update                 05 Apr 2013
          12.0.1 Chinese,                    16 Apr 2013
                 Japanese Docs (Eclipse)     16 Apr 2013
 Update                 08 Apr 2013     End of Life 31 May 2014

Mac OS Update                 09 Jul 2013
 Update                 23 May 2013
 Update                 29 Jun 2010     End of Life 31 May 2014

Solaris   16.0 GA Dev Edition download       (date n/a)      Dev Edition registration
 SPARC Update                 16 May 2013
 Update                 08 Apr 2013     End of Life 31 May 2014

Solaris   16.0 GA Dev Edition download       (date n/a)      Dev Edition registration
 x64 Update                 16 May 2013
 Update                 08 Apr 2013     End of Life 31 May 2014

Windows Update                 30 May 2013
 Update             *** 22 Jul 2013 ***
          12.0.1 French,                     25 Sep 2012
                 English,                    25 Sep 2012
                 German,                     25 Sep 2012
                 Chinese,                    28 Mar 2013
                 Japanese Docs (HTML/PDF)    28 Mar 2013
 Update                 16 Apr 2013     End of Life 31 May 2014 

Other Stuff...

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   ...Sybase home page 
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   ...SAP Developer Center 

 Buy SQL Anywhere 

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   Educational Edition 
   Web Edition 

 Supported Platforms...
   SQL Anywhere 

 ODBC Drivers for MobiLink

The asterisks "***" show which items have appeared on the Sybase website since the previous version of this page.
  • Only the latest fully-supported versions of SQL Anywhere (11.0.1, 12.0.1 and 16.0) are shown here.

  • Just because an older version or different platform isn't "fully supported" any more doesn't mean you can't download files (or ask questions, or get help), it just means there won't be any more new Updates released.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Searching for SQL

Google it, or go to it?    That's up to you...
Google what? When Google shows you this, add your search words in front of it...
Google the SQL Anywhere 16.0 Help
     12.0.1 Help   11.0.1 Help   10.0.1 Help
Google the SQL Anywhere forum
Google the SCN
Google the HANA Help
Google all the old NNTP forums "sybase.public.sqlanywhere"
Google the old Futures forum (1,244) "sybase.public.sqlanywhere.product_futures_discussion"
     old General forum (2,218) "ianywhere.public.general"
     old General forum (33,727) "sybase.public.sqlanywhere.general"
     old Linux forum (1,122) "sybase.public.sqlanywhere.linux"
     old Mobilink forum (5,481) "sybase.public.sqlanywhere.mobilink"
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     old Ultralite forum (3,148) "sybase.public.sqlanywhere.ultralite"
Google this blog Google Custom Search
Go to where? Here's where you'll be heading...
Go to the SQL Anywhere 16.0 Help
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     old SQL Remote forum (4,700)
     old Ultralite forum (3,148)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Read Only Rant

Sometimes ya gotta nip a Feature Request in the bud, while it's still in the form of question "How do I [do some thing]?"

Here's an example: "How do I stop SQL Anywhere from marking database files as read only?"

Without quick action that might morph into a change request, hence this rant...

This is a possible answer to a different question, "Why does SQL Anywhere mark the database file as read only?"

The original reason(s) may be lost in the sands of time since SQL Anywhere has always done that, so let's change the question:

Why do *I* want SQL Anywhere to mark the database file as read only?

Answer: Because SQL Anywhere files are often used very differently from other products' files. Unlike (for example) SQL Server databases, it is extremely easy to create SQL Anywhere databases, and copy and move them around, even across hardware and software platforms. SQL Anywhere files are binary compatible across big endian and little endian computers, for example... Windows, Linux, Sparc, AIX, mobile, whatever.

SQL Server (and Oracle, and ASE, and IBM) databases tend to get created once and sit in the same place forever and ever. Some of them (historically, at least) aren't even operating system files, they are magical low-level "native files" that are profoundly difficult to move around.

Yes, that is a stereotypical view of databases... BUT historically speaking, it is true. For example, it is a very rare thing for a programmer to have one or two or ten separate SQL Server (or, gasp, Oracle) databases... but it is a very common thing for SQL Anywhere. Speaking personally (as a possible outlier :) I have literally thousands of SQL Anywhere .db files on my laptop, of all versions from 5.5 through 16... nothing in the product discourages me from doing that.

And in the real world, mobile replication and synchronization makes it possible for a single SQL Anywhere production system to encompass tens of thousands of separate SQL Anywhere database files.

File proliferation comes with it's own hazards, and accidental overwrite is one of them. The read only attribute is one mechanism to help guard against that.

The read only attribute is much easier to deal with than, say, SQL Server's approach to protecting their .mdf files...

In conclusion: The read only attribute is a minor annoyance that has saved me from making mistakes on many occasions. Folks who know me, know how much I loathe restrictions on personal productivity (firewalls, security settings, etc), so for me to actually *like* a limitation is a big deal indeed :) 1995-01-28

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Example: SELECT LIST() FROM sa_split_list()

You might not code SELECT LIST() together with FROM sa_split_list() in the same query, but you might use them both on the same data.

The SQL Anywhere LIST() aggregate function turns a result set into a single string, and the sa_split_list() system procedure turns a string into a result set. Here's a round-trip example; first, the data:

   name VARCHAR ( 2 ) NOT NULL );

INSERT t VALUES ( 1, 'NY' ), ( 2, 'NJ' ), ( 3, 'VA' ), ( 4, 'DC' ), ( 5, 'CA' );
  FROM t

  id name 
---- ---- 
   1 NY   
   2 NJ   
   3 VA   
   4 DC   
   5 CA   
No, the fancy INSERT statement isn't using either LIST() or sa_split_list(), it's showing off the relatively new multiple row syntax of the VALUES list, aka the row constructor syntax... no Help link for this because, well, the Help is no help on this particular topic...

... ok, ok, see for yourself :)

Here's how LIST() works to create simple id and name strings, with the name string ordered by the corresponding id rather than alphabetically:
DECLARE @ids   VARCHAR ( 10 );
DECLARE @names VARCHAR ( 20 );

  INTO @ids
  FROM t;

  INTO @names
  FROM t;

SELECT @ids, @names;

@ids       @names               
---------- -------------------- 
1,2,3,4,5  NY,NJ,VA,DC,CA       
So far, so good; here's the other way, using sa_split_list() to turn the strings into single-column result sets:
DECLARE @ids   VARCHAR ( 10 );
DECLARE @names VARCHAR ( 20 );

SET @ids   = '1,2,3,4,5';
SET @names = 'NY,NJ,VA,DC,CA';

SELECT row_value AS id
  FROM sa_split_list ( @ids, ',' )
 ORDER BY line_num;

SELECT row_value AS name
  FROM sa_split_list ( @names, ',' )
 ORDER BY line_num;


Now, how about combining both strings to recreate the original table in one SELECT? The following code depends on the fact the two strings are positional; i.e., they both have the same number of entries, and each entry in one string corresponds to the entry in the same position in the other string:
DECLARE @ids   VARCHAR ( 10 );
DECLARE @names VARCHAR ( 20 );

SET @ids   = '1,2,3,4,5';
SET @names = 'NY,NJ,VA,DC,CA';

SELECT tid.row_value   AS id,
       tname.row_value AS name
  FROM ( SELECT * FROM sa_split_list ( @ids, ',' ) )   AS tid
       INNER JOIN 
       ( SELECT * FROM sa_split_list ( @names, ',' ) ) AS tname
       ON tid.line_num = tname.line_num
 ORDER BY tid.line_num;

id   name 
---- ---- 
1    NY   
2    NJ   
3    VA   
4    DC   
5    CA   

Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm lonely! signed, Your Database

Question: How can I be notified when user activity drops to zero?

Answer: It's one thing to measure user activity, quite another to determine when it has actually dropped to zero for any length of time.

One method is to code a SQL Anywhere 16 scheduled EVENT that checks the TimeWithoutClientConnection database property every once in a while, then calls xp_sendmail() when the value gets too large.

You won't find TimeWithoutClientConnection in the GA version of SQL Anywhere 16, but it is available for download as part of the Update or later:

SQL Anywhere - Server

  ================(Build #1473  - Engineering Case #734038)================

  The database property TimeWithoutClientConnection has been added.
  The description for this database property is:
  Returns the elapsed time in seconds since a CmdSeq or TDS client connection 
  to the database existed.  If there has not been a CmdSeq or TDS connection 
  since the database started then the time since the database started is returned.  
  If one or more CmdSeq or TDS connections are currently connected, 0 is returned.

You also won't find TimeWithoutClientConnection in the Help yet, but chances are the above description is all you're ever gonna get anyway.

Plus this, here...

Catch 22: Don't expect anything other than zero when you run SELECT DB_PROPERTY ( 'TimeWithoutClientConnection' ) in ISQL... that's because you are currently connected [snork] :)

You can read about events in the DCX Help,
You can read about xp_sendmail()
Here's the code:
   START TIME '00:00:00'

DECLARE @seconds_without_client_connection   BIGINT;
DECLARE @email_sent_at                       TIMESTAMP;
DECLARE @current_timestamp                   TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT TIMESTAMP;
DECLARE @loneliness_threshold_in_seconds     BIGINT DEFAULT 30;
DECLARE @email_repeat_threshold_in_seconds   BIGINT DEFAULT 20;
DECLARE @return_code                         INTEGER;

SET @seconds_without_client_connection 
   = CAST ( COALESCE ( DB_PROPERTY ( 'TimeWithoutClientConnection' ), '0' ) AS BIGINT );

IF @seconds_without_client_connection = 0 THEN

   UPDATE lonely SET email_sent_at = '1900-01-01 00:00:00';


   IF @seconds_without_client_connection >= @loneliness_threshold_in_seconds THEN

      SELECT email_sent_at
        INTO @email_sent_at
        FROM lonely; 

      IF DATEDIFF ( SECOND, @email_sent_at, @current_timestamp ) 
            >= @email_repeat_threshold_in_seconds THEN  

         UPDATE lonely SET email_sent_at = @current_timestamp;

         @return_code = CALL xp_startsmtp ( 
            smtp_sender          = '',  
            smtp_server          = '',  
            smtp_port            = 587,  
            timeout              = 60,
            smtp_sender_name     = 'Your Database',
            smtp_auth_username   = '', 
            smtp_auth_password   = 'Your Password',
            trusted_certificates = 'cert_name=Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority' );

         IF @return_code = -1 THEN
            MESSAGE STRING ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, ' ERROR - xp_startsmtp ',
               xp_get_mail_error_code(), ' - ', xp_get_mail_error_text() ) TO CONSOLE;
         END IF;

         @return_code = CALL xp_sendmail ( 
            recipient = '',  
            subject   = 'I''m lonely!',  
            "message" = STRING ( 'Nobody''s connected with me in the past ', 
                                 ' seconds.' ) );

         IF @return_code = -1 THEN
            MESSAGE STRING ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, ' ERROR - xp_sendmail: ',
               xp_get_mail_error_code(), ' - ', xp_get_mail_error_text() ) TO CONSOLE;
         END IF;

         @return_code = CALL xp_stopsmtp();

         IF @return_code = -1 THEN
            MESSAGE STRING ( CURRENT TIMESTAMP, ' ERROR - xp_stopsmtp: ',
               xp_get_mail_error_code(), ' - ', xp_get_mail_error_text() ) TO CONSOLE;
         END IF;

      END IF;
   END IF;

  • The CREATE EVENT statement on lines 1 through 5 schedules the event to start firing right away, and forever after, every 5 seconds.

  • The SET statement on line 14 and 15 captures TimeWithoutClientConnection, and the UPDATE on line 19 handles the case where current connections do exist (TimeWithoutClientConnection = 0) by recording in the database that no "I'm lonely!" email has been sent; i.e., '1900-01-01 00:00:00' effectively means 'never'.

  • The IF statement starting on line 24 detects loneliness, and the nested IF starting on line 30 determines if it's time to send an email.

  • If it's been a while since the previous email was sent, the fact that (another) one is now being sent is recorded by the UPDATE on line 33,

  • and the big chunk of code on lines 36 through 69 does the actual work, using the techniques described in Sending Email From SQL Anywhere 12 Via Google's SMTP Server and in section "3. SMTP Email Enhancements" of this article: Top 10 Cool New Features in SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16.
The code shown above depends on two other objects:
  • First, the trusted_certificates = 'cert_name=Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority' argument makes use of a new feature in SQL Anywhere 16, the CREATE CERTIFICATE statement:
    CREATE OR REPLACE CERTIFICATE Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority
       FROM FILE 'C:\\certificates\\Equifax_Secure_Certificate_Authority.cer';

  • Second, the lonely table, which follows the example shown in One Row Only:
    CREATE TABLE lonely (
       one_row_only    INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 CHECK ( one_row_only = 1 ),
       email_sent_at   TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT '1900-01-01 00:00:00',
       PRIMARY KEY ( one_row_only ) );
          'Do not attempt to delete from lonely';
Here's what the output looks like:

If you run it without first changing any of the placeholders like '', here's what you'll see in the dbsrv16.exe -o file:
I. 07/14 12:59:23. 2013-07-14 12:59:23.217 ERROR - xp_startsmtp 534 - 5.7.9 
   Please log in with your web browser and then try again. 
   Learn more at 5.7.9 
   ri10sm12739973igc.1 - gsmtp 

When events cough up and crash there's no "client" to receive the error message, so it has to go to the server console... but that's ok, every single engine startup command includes the -o filespec.txt option, right? :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Database Deadpool: 10:1 Odds Against Janrain's MyOpenID

Alert: If you obtained a naked OpenID from MyOpenID and then gave it to one or more other websites, quick!
Get another naked OpenID, from someone else, then update your profile on all those other websites.

What's a "naked OpenID"? It's a URL like this:
  • if you got it from MyOpenID, or

  • if you got it from Verisign, and so on,
as opposed to a "hidden OpenID" like your Google or Yahoo user id which you can use on other websites without having to set up separate passwords.

Where do I get a naked OpenID? Well, you could pick from the "Other Well Known & Simple Providers" list on the OpenID Cult Foundation website, just don't pick MyOpenID.
Naked OpenIDs aren't that popular for website logins, so chances are you will only have one or two to deal with. For example, on the SQL Anywhere forum,
  • go to your profile page,

  • click on User tools - authentication settings...

  • then click the Add new provider button.

  • That takes you to the User login page...

  • where you can "Enter your OpenID url"

  • and click Login to save it.

  • To check it, go back to User tools - authentication settings - Add new provider to see if it shows your new OpenID url.

Why should I bother?

Because the MyOpenID provider service is at death's door... it's no longer supported by Janrain, and it was recently off the air for days. That meant some folks (well, one folk) had trouble logging in to the SQL Anywhere Forum and other websites like StackExchange.

That's why the Database Deadpool is offering 10:1 odds against MyOpenID surviving much longer.

Don't take my word for it, check out all the noise on Twitter...

Twitter search results for "myopenid" on Monday, July 8, 2013 at 1:45 PM EST

 Robert Denton @robertdenton 4h  is down.
 Daniel Morrison @danielmorrison 4h
dammit, I can’t water my plants because
is down. #geekproblems
 from Collective Idea, Holland

 David Eisner @deisner 4h
Any idea when #myopenid will be up again, @Janrain? …
 Ariel Ben Horesh @ArielBH 6h
In the last few days I'm unable to use myopenid. is it dead?
 Paul Zagoridis @paulzag 7h
Most of you don't use @Janrain's  It's no 
longer supported, so you should migrate to another #OpenID service
 Thomas F. Nicolaisen @tfnico 10h
This is why properly sunsetting products is a good thing: @janrain 
lets  go down w/o warning nor status info.
 David R @davr 13h
So is @Janrain purposefully killing off myopenid or what? Failing 
of openID: if your ID provider dies, you're locked out of tons of accounts
 David K. Jones @tadmas 14h
Frustrated that MyOpenID is down right now. Sounds like they've 
been down for a few days. Time to set up another #OpenID provider, I guess.
 Ben Dornis @buildstarted 15h
hey, @openid. you should remove myopenid from your list of well 
known and simple providers as it's no longer actively maintained
 Ben Dornis @buildstarted 15h
so @janrain are "pioneers" of social identity yet they don't care 
about their products like myopenid
 Jan @jan 7 Jul
hey @janrain  is down for more than 12h now. 
what's up?
 Colin Charles @bytebot 6 Jul
What has happened to  ? @janrain any reason its dead? 
will it come back? #openid
 Alan Gardner @mr_urf 6 Jul
So MyOpenId appears to be gone :/
 Dod @TheRealDod 6 Jul
Urgent! Any decent (e.g. has SSL) #OpenID provider I could direct customers 
to now that  is dead? cc @Liberationtech
 Dod @TheRealDod 6 Jul
A few days after google critically wounds #RSS, @Janrain's MyOpenID goes 
down, messing up the #OpenID community. Bad week 4 hippie standards
 Marius Gedminas @mgedmin 6 Jul
Can't log in to using my OpenID because myOpenID says "An error 
has occured while attempting to fulfill your request."
 Anthony Steele @AnthonySteele 5 Jul
As soon as myopenid is back up, I can start movig my #stackoverflow account 
away from relying on #myopenid
 Eric A. Meyer @meyerweb 5 Jul
Could whoever is in charge of myOpenId·com give the reboot button a kick?  
(The reboot is for everyone. The kick is for me.)
 Anthony Steele @AnthonySteele 5 Jul
I can't log into #stackoverflow because myopenid is down. 
 Tom Novak @to_nov 5 Jul
#myopenid not working again. does anyone know whats going on?

OpenID: Your Very Own Single Point Of Failure

Think twice about using OpenIDs at all, naked or hidden. Ask yourself this, what happens to all the data when your OpenID provider goes dark?

Even if that doesn't worry you, what happens if an Evil Doer obtains your OpenID provider user id and password? It could be your MyOpenID password, or it could be your Google password since Google user ids can be used just like OpenIDs... in fact, your Google user id is an OpenID.

If that happens, then the Evil Doer has access to ALL the sites where you used that OpenID... because those other sites did not force you to set up different passwords.

Which is a very bad idea. 1995-06-02

OpenIDs aren't really intended to make your life easier, they are designed for companies like Janrain to "offer a database to collect, manage and leverage social profile data".

Ask yourself this: Does your bank let you login with your Google user id?

No, banks have other ways to take your money.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Latest SQL Anywhere Updates: HP/IBM/Solaris 16.0 GA, Mac

Current builds for the active platforms...

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Monday, July 8, 2013

ER Diagrams in SQL Anywhere 16

Tip: The "ER Diagram" feature of Sybase Central is all growed up and well behaved in SQL Anywhere 16.

I'm guilty of not trying it out for a long time, but today it seems to be actually useful:

  • The right-mouse Choose ER Diagram Tables... context menu item makes it easy to pick the tables you want to display.

  • It's easy to click and drag the tables to move them around,

  • and the lines too, but with the lines you first have to click on a line to display the teeny tiny endpoint boxes, then click and drag those endpoints to move the line:
  • You can resize the table images to show more columns by first clicking on the title bar to display the resizing icons.

  • The View - Refresh Folder menu item lets you clear highlighting after clicking on columns.

  • Best of all... your careful work moving tables and lines around isn't wiped out when you refresh the display.

  • Better yet (better than best?) Sybase Central remembers the layout when you disconnect, connect, and redisplay the ER Diagram tab.

  • Better still: right-mouse Export Layout... (new with SQL Anywhere 16) lets you save the layout in a funky XML text file (just the layout, not the columns and and what-not),

  • and then you can revert to that layout with right-mouse Import Layout... after, for example, you completely [cough] muck it up :)

  • The right-mouse Go To Table and Go To Foreign Key menu items take you to the relevant tabs in Sybase Central, and from there the Back button brings you back to the diagram.
Here's a before-and-after example of an ER diagram
  • as originally displayed for the SQL Anywhere 16 Demo database (the first image) and

  • after some fiddling about (the second image):

Is it an alternative to PowerDesigner?

Yes, it is, for 99% of what people actually need: Pretty pictures for management (90%), and diagrams for documentation (9%).

The remaining 1% of what folks need, which accounts for 99.999% of PowerDesigner's feature set (and complexity, and cost) is beyond the scope of the Sybase Central ER Diagram feature. 2000-12-16